As 2019 flies by, we are now approaching the time of year when many of you will be starting to think about replying to university offers on UCAS! Deciding on your firm and insurance choices can be a daunting and nerve-wracking decision to make, as after all we are talking about where you could be… Read more » about Offers and When You Need to Decide
Received an offer? What are my next steps?
What does my offer mean? Once BU has made a decision on your application where you’ve successfully been offered a place to study with us, you’ll see one of the following entries via UCAS track as to the type of offer you’ve been given: Why is my offer higher than my predicted grades? Your offer… Read more » about Received an offer? What are my next steps?
Why Bournemouth is the best town for students…
We all think that whatever town our university is in, it is the best town for students but Bournemouth definitely is something special! When my friends visit from other universities, they comment on how great it is, so it’s not just my bias… here are a few reasons why: The Beach. Bournemouth is situated… Read more » about Why Bournemouth is the best town for students…
What is UCAS Extra and how do I use it?
Have you used all your UCAS choices for university and still don’t have any offers? Luckily, you’re reading this blog – I’m going to explain everything you have to know about UCAS Extra and adding an extra university option. SO take a deep breath, relax -all will be ok I promise! What makes me… Read more » about What is UCAS Extra and how do I use it?
How to make friends in your seminar group
So you’ve just arrived at uni, and you’re thrown into your first “proper” session of work, where it feels more like school in a classroom with uncomfortable chairs and a whiteboard at the head of the class. Around the room you are surrounded with unfamiliar faces and you have no idea where to sit, who… Read more » about How to make friends in your seminar group
How do I know if uni is for me?
If you are sat thinking this right now don’t worry! You are for sure not alone. The decision on whether or not to go to university is a big one and requires some thought and consideration before committing to the idea. One of the hardest things about deciding whether uni is for you or not,… Read more » about How do I know if uni is for me?