My top 5 uni experiences 

Making friends in my accommodation  Meeting my new flat mates in person for the first time after speaking on social media in the build up to starting university and  making plans to go out to freshers events together,  cook together, finding out about each other’s courses and deciding what to bring for university was definitely… Read more » about My top 5 uni experiences 

Getting involved with SUBU during my first year

If you are a new student or a prospective student interested in studying at Bournemouth University (BU), you must been wondering if BU have anything like a student council or students’ representative. Well here at BU, we have Students’ Union at Bournemouth University or famously known as SUBU. You will be represented by full-time officers… Read more » about Getting involved with SUBU during my first year

What is Brightspace? A short guide

Brightspace is a tool that you will use daily as a student at BU. Personally, I find that brightspace includes a lot of useful links that help me with my studies. To access your Brightspace and find more information, you can click the link here: Brightspace’s top bar section are one of the most important… Read more » about What is Brightspace? A short guide

From a final year, to a first year

I am so jealous of everyone going into first year, you are in for the best experience of your life! I wish I could start it all over again. If I did start all over again, these are some of the things I wish I knew from the beginning. 1. Living experience It is important… Read more » about From a final year, to a first year

Summer of sport

In this video, BU vlogger Melly is part of BU’s Cricket and Women’s Squash team and describes how this experience has benefited her – from enabling her to meet new people, enjoy some exercise and generally have fun.

Fun places to go around Bournemouth with your friends!

Personally, I was scared that Bournemouth would be just a ‘dead town’ with nothing much to do. However, it’s quite the opposite, once I got to Bournemouth and actually began enjoying the lifestyle here. The nightlife is great, but for this blog, I will focus more on places you can go with your friends to… Read more » about Fun places to go around Bournemouth with your friends!

Essential things to pack from home by a Malaysian student

Hello! For today’s post, I will share with you fellow Malaysian and International students essential things that you can bring from home. I know packing is always the main issues whenever we’re about to go somewhere, so hopefully, these tips will be helpful!   Clothes Weather is the major trait in the UK. Before I… Read more » about Essential things to pack from home by a Malaysian student

Top 5 places to go around Bournemouth during Summer Holiday

It’s summer holiday! I’m sure most of you are excited to spend your summer break with friends and/family in the sunshine, and I am personally very excited to go to the beach and hang out with my friends. As the beach is a must to go to during the summer, I will be sharing 5… Read more » about Top 5 places to go around Bournemouth during Summer Holiday

Top 10 coffee spots and eateries in Bournemouth

Hi! If you’re here because you’re looking for new places to go in Bournemouth, you come to the right post! I will be sharing my personal favourite coffee spots and eateries in Bournemouth, and maybe one of these will become your favourite too! Coffee spot : Delice des champs A french café located on the… Read more » about Top 10 coffee spots and eateries in Bournemouth

How the BU Maintenance Bursary helped me

I received the BU Maintenance Loan in my first year of uni. I didn’t have to apply to the university, to be considered you just have to tick the box that says you’re happy for student finance to share your information with the university. For 2021 entry, if your parents earn less than £16,000 a… Read more » about How the BU Maintenance Bursary helped me

Tips from a final year me to a fresher me!

Hey guys! it’s me…with a tips blog… again! If you enjoy my last 2 blogs I hope you will like this too, this time I want to write a blog to myself! I’m on the NCCA Art and Design course doing my 3rd and final year and, as this year is coming to an end… Read more » about Tips from a final year me to a fresher me!