Political Psychology, is this concept even possible?

Political Psychology is a combination of two words that look quietly indifferent. I see a confused face every time I meet with someone when I talk about my course, as I also can imagine your face right now! Although many people are not very familiar with this brand-new social science discipline, Political Psychology is getting… Read more » about Political Psychology, is this concept even possible?

How the support of my Faculty Learning Development team has helped me to best perform in my academic work

Before starting my master’s programme at BU, I used to work in the industry for three years. At the beginning of my journey at BU, I used to worry that the academic gap and difference in teaching methods would make my study in the UK more challenging. Little did I know that with the great… Read more » about How the support of my Faculty Learning Development team has helped me to best perform in my academic work

All about MSc Psychology with Programme Leader, Doug Hardman

If you’re looking for a career change or looking to study something new at Postgraduate level, then MSc Psychology could be the course for you. Programme Leader Doug Hardman tells us more about the course and the sort of career opportunities you could have once you graduate. What is Psychology about? Psychology is about developing… Read more » about All about MSc Psychology with Programme Leader, Doug Hardman

All about MSc Cognitive Neuroscience

MSc Cognitive Neuroscience, is a relatively new course at BU and started in September 2022. In this blog former Programme Leader Professor Hana Burianová tell us more about the course and the sort of career opportunities you could have once you graduate. What is Cognitive Neuroscience about? Cognitive Neuroscience is the study of biological processes… Read more » about All about MSc Cognitive Neuroscience

Why I think you should consider a career in STEM

This is a guest blog from Samira, a Design & Engineering PhD student. Here she talks about what it’s like as a woman to go into the engineering sector, the career opportunities in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) once she graduates and the advice she has for prospective students thinking about a career in… Read more » about Why I think you should consider a career in STEM

My study exchange experience in Lille, France

BSc (Hons) Marketing student Iulia Iordanescu completed a study exchange semester at EDHEC Business School in Lille, France during the 2020-2021 academic year. She shares her experience of studying in France during the Covid-19 pandemic. “The French educational system is very different from ours. After French high school students take their Baccalaureate and have two… Read more » about My study exchange experience in Lille, France

How to master your Master’s application

If you’re thinking about applying for a postgraduate degree, then you already understand what it’s like to study at a university and the general application process. There are a few key differences between an application for an undergraduate and a postgraduate, however. For a postgraduate course, you can study either a taught related course or… Read more » about How to master your Master’s application

How Cody’s studies led to a career with the police

This is a guest blog from Cody Clarkson who studied MSc Investigative Forensic Psychology. Here she talks about what it was like to study at BU, how the course helped her to secure a job and her career aspirations.  My name is Cody and I graduated from the MSc course Investigative Forensic Psychology at Bournemouth… Read more » about How Cody’s studies led to a career with the police


What next? Deciding your Career Path after Graduating from BU Law.

Now that you have graduated! You must have been congratulated for a job well done; to be candid postgraduate programme generally are rigorous. Particularly Master of Laws (LL.M) entails personal research and development alongside the requirement to fulfill some hours of attendance of seminars and lectures. As an international student, the competition is higher, therefore,… Read more » about What next? Deciding your Career Path after Graduating from BU Law.

Your Postgraduate Studies at BU; Tips on your Application as an International Student.

BU as your choice! Now that you have chosen Bournemouth University (BU) as your next place of education and development. You may have the assurance of the quality of postgraduate (PG) training being offered in various courses of studies by an array of disciplined but caring faculties with multicultural backgrounds at BU. In subsequent paragraphs,… Read more » about Your Postgraduate Studies at BU; Tips on your Application as an International Student.