I recently finished a four week placement at the Planning Unit at BBC Radio 4 and am heading back to Bournemouth feeling more knowledgeable, better connected, and better prepared for August and the job hunt which will come with it. I applied back in February for BBC work experience. I had previously applied several times… Read more » about My work placement experience
Chinese students – welcome to the BU family!
Bournemouth University is definitely an international university. I’ve met people from all over world here. As a Chinese person in England, I wanted to feel the exotic atmosphere, but also wanted more friends with the same cultural background as me. When I came to England alone, at first I was worried about how to meet… Read more » about Chinese students – welcome to the BU family!
Tonya’s story: The social life of a postgrad student
How do postgrad students spend their free time? Tonya shares her experience.
What’s next for me?
I can’t quite believe that already I’m nearing the end of my time at Bournemouth University. The next couple of months are going to be extremely busy as I focus on my Master’s project: a 30 minute radio documentary which is due at the beginning of August and will be the last ever piece of… Read more » about What’s next for me?
Iakovos’s story: Postgraduate scholarships
If you’re joining us this September, have you had a look at our scholarships yet? Here’s Iakovos with a breakdown of what’s available.
How I changed my career path with a Master’s degree
Not everyone knows who they exactly want to become in the future before going to a university and most of them choose a major because it was the best option at that time. What if after completing your undergraduate programme, you realise that this isn’t really what you wanted? The answer, in my case, is… Read more » about How I changed my career path with a Master’s degree
Why I love BU
As I write this, I’ve been at BU for almost eight months and am about to get started on my Master’s project. I can hardly believe the time has gone so fast, and I think the fact that I’m enjoying life here so much has a lot to do with it. I feel so fortunate… Read more » about Why I love BU
Beautiful Barcelona!
To make the most of my time in Europe, after my internship in Malta, I flew to Spain and continued my studies as an Erasmus student in Universitat Autòmona de Barcelona (UAB). UAB is the best university in Spain, according to The World University Rankings 2015-2016. In Europe, UAB ranks the top 100. And it… Read more » about Beautiful Barcelona!
From a PhD at BU to a life in Australia
When my former PhD supervisor, Professor Mark Brisbane, asked me to write a blog, I wasn’t convinced anyone would be particularly interested. But when I think about it, my pathway to my current job working in Australia is maybe helpful in thinking about alternative careers for those wonderful degrees you all will (or do already)… Read more » about From a PhD at BU to a life in Australia
Re-adapting to a student budget
This may not be the case for many prospective students, but for anyone undertaking postgrad studies before September 2016, there are no government loans or maintenance funding. This means for most of us the year is a serious investment. As well as eye watering tuition fees and accommodation costs, the day to day cost of… Read more » about Re-adapting to a student budget
Music in the veins
The music opportunities at BU are vast. There are chances to be part of operas, musicals and many concerts throughout the year. The application process is not too strenuous, as you need to write about yourself and the music experiences you’ve had in the past. Having a lot of experience as well as music grades… Read more » about Music in the veins
How international students can find a job after graduation
For international students, language barriers and visa restraints make it more difficult to land a job in the UK, but it’s not impossible. I am applying for jobs after graduation and in this blog I just want to share some of my job search experiences. Enhancing my communication skills The ability to speak English fluently… Read more » about How international students can find a job after graduation