Understand the UK job market – tips from BU Career team to prepare for my future job

Being part of the job market is the first step to building your career plan. Given the profound impact of the global pandemic, the job market is changing at an ever-faster pace. Especially for international graduates, understanding the UK’s job market will help you become more employable. Here are some tips that the BU Career… Read more » about Understand the UK job market – tips from BU Career team to prepare for my future job

Opportunities to build intercultural competence while studying at Bournemouth University

Being able to work across cultures is an increasingly necessary skill for graduates to impress employers in the competitive job market. Building intercultural competence while studying at university will benefit your career in the future. What is intercultural competence, and what are the opportunities to build these skills? Follow me to discover more! What is… Read more » about Opportunities to build intercultural competence while studying at Bournemouth University

Life as a student paramedic during the pandemic

The following blog is written by Katie Ball, who is a third year student studying BSc (Hons) Paramedic Science. She reflects on her achievements and challenges on this course and whilst on placement.  I’m Katie and I am currently a third year at BU studying BSc (Hons) Paramedic Science. I started my student paramedic journey… Read more » about Life as a student paramedic during the pandemic

How a placement year kick-started my career

This is a guest blog by Rebecca Hughes, a final year student studying BSc (Hons) Software Engineering. Between her second and third year, she joined marketing agency Greenwood Campbell for her placement year. From picking up invaluable skills to getting her first taste of office life, Rebecca tells us how she found the experience. I… Read more » about How a placement year kick-started my career


What next? Deciding your Career Path after Graduating from BU Law.

Now that you have graduated! You must have been congratulated for a job well done; to be candid postgraduate programme generally are rigorous. Particularly Master of Laws (LL.M) entails personal research and development alongside the requirement to fulfill some hours of attendance of seminars and lectures. As an international student, the competition is higher, therefore,… Read more » about What next? Deciding your Career Path after Graduating from BU Law.

In 2022 I am looking forward to…

As we begin the new year, I have an alternative version of a new years resolution in mind. After years of attempting to set a goal at the start and failing to achieve it, I have instead set a view of what this year is going to look like. Seeing the final destination to where… Read more » about In 2022 I am looking forward to…

Summer Internship in the UK – International Students

Finding placement can be scary and tough, believe me, it took me months to secure a role. As I’m doing BA (Hons) Sociology and Social Anthropology, we have a choice of doing a year of placement (meaning my degree would be 4 years) or just 3 years course. For the sake of finding more work… Read more » about Summer Internship in the UK – International Students

Thankyou gifts from my placement on my last day

How placement opportunities can strengthen your employability

During my second year studying Social Work, I completed a 70-day placement working in substance misuse with adults in the community. For my course, the placement is mandatory, therefore the pressure was taken off finding it myself, as this was down to the course academic leads to match us. Whether your course includes a mandatory… Read more » about How placement opportunities can strengthen your employability

A helping hand with placement hunting

Many courses at Bournemouth University involve a range of different length placements, and they are a great opportunity to gain further knowledge and experience in industries. Whilst the idea of finding a placement can seem daunting, the University provides great support to help you in the process. Careers Hub The ‘My Careers Hub ‘ is… Read more » about A helping hand with placement hunting

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Santander’s scholarship and Pagoda Project digital skills internship; my brief account.

Pagoda Project I came across the Pagoda Project’s skills programme as a student of LL.M (international commercial law) at Bournemouth University. Initially, I had chosen to study for Master of Laws as an international student at Bournemouth University (BU) because of the school reputation for supporting their graduates in the process of securing post-study placements… Read more » about Santander’s scholarship and Pagoda Project digital skills internship; my brief account.