Shopping for Food and Other Essentials- A Guide

When I started my year at Bournemouth, the first task at hand was to set up a life. This meant getting basic necessities – kitchen utensils, bedding, toiletries and food. I was quite unsure as to what the best place to get all that was and didn’t know what brands or products I could rely… Read more » about Shopping for Food and Other Essentials- A Guide

Budgeting – A Student’s Financial Life-hacks

Handling finances can be tricky, especially when you’ve moved to a new place. The currency is different, the prices of commodities are new and most students are dealing with a fixed budget – having to balance basic needs, school supplies as well as at least a little bit of a social life. This blog is… Read more » about Budgeting – A Student’s Financial Life-hacks

Remote Studying – the Reality of 2020

At the beginning….. The breakthrough of COVID-19 caught many off-guard. The sudden restrictions and changes to everyday life were unexpected. Whilst watching the fireworks in the sky and welcoming 2020 on the 1st of January, I did not expect such drastic changes that would reach us in a mere three months. The reality of isolation,… Read more » about Remote Studying – the Reality of 2020

How To Plan A Staycation

Summer is around the corner! For us in Bournemouth that means lots of things. Lounging on the beach. Enjoying the long bright days. Having barbeques. Going for a swim in the sea. And, of course, go on that holiday you have been daydreaming about all year long. The downside to this summer season, however, is… Read more » about How To Plan A Staycation

Scoring a placement during your Master’s degree

I am studying MSc Nutrition and Behaviour and it is mandatory to do a 12-day placement as a part of the degree program. The great aspect of our course is the flexibility provided to us to choose where and what we wanted to do with our placement. I scored a place in the Nutrition department… Read more » about Scoring a placement during your Master’s degree

Budgeting as an Indian in BU (Dubai edition)

Budgeting is an essential life skill, especially for a student. Moving across countries requires meticulous planning in all aspects, one of which is finance. It can be overwhelming to set a budget when you don’t know how expenses compare between countries. I did some research to understand what my monthly budget would look like. But… Read more » about Budgeting as an Indian in BU (Dubai edition)

Ten pieces of advice as a fellow Indian Student

Ten pieces of advice I would like to give as a fellow Indian Student in Media and Communication Courses (more or less also applicable to other courses and pathways):    Research your journey. Before even leaving your home take a good look at your journey plan and try to find some interesting avenues. If a… Read more » about Ten pieces of advice as a fellow Indian Student

5 reasons to pick Bournemouth as your study destination

It can be overwhelming to pick the right place for your higher studies. After careful research, I chose Bournemouth as my study destination. Here are my top 5 reasons: Safety: As a petite hijabi woman, safety is my top priority when choosing a place to live. Surely, everyone can resonate with the fact that no… Read more » about 5 reasons to pick Bournemouth as your study destination

Clubs And Societies: Do What You Love At BU!

While degrees stand central in student lives, it is not all there is at BU. There are lots of clubs and societies that you can be a part of. Whether it is to have fun, learn a new sport or build your portfolio – SUBU, our student organisation, has a vast number of clubs and… Read more » about Clubs And Societies: Do What You Love At BU!

A wide shot image of the Fusion Building on Talbot Campus, Bournemouth University

How To Job Hunt During Lockdown

For lots of us, especially for the ones that like me are in their final year, the UK lockdown has had a huge impact on job hunting. Whether it is a grad role, part-time job or an internship that you are looking for, look no more, here are some great alternatives to job hunt during… Read more » about How To Job Hunt During Lockdown

My Masters Application from India

It was the summer of 2019 when I finally decided that I wanted to continue studying animation. After extensive research, I had finally decided that Bournemouth University was the best option for me and the next biggest step was my application. I first approached BU by emailing AskBU, questioning them about the animation course. They… Read more » about My Masters Application from India