Leaving the world Lusher than it is, a tour of the Lush Factory and Offices.

Current student Doyin, who is studying MA Advertising – recently attended a free industry visit to LUSH – a multi-million pound international cosmetics company – as part of the Graduate Skills Programme run by CareersBU   I visited the LUSH facility and offices with a few other interested BU students to learn everything there is… Read more » about Leaving the world Lusher than it is, a tour of the Lush Factory and Offices.

Purbeck House accommodation

My first year experience in Purbeck House

  Hello. Watch my vlog below to hear about my experience living in Purbeck House – just one of BU’s accommodation options that you can choose to book. I’ll show you around the bedrooms that you get and the kitchen. I hope it helps give you an idea of what to expect from this halls!

Pip Hemingway with the words my ResLifeBU experience

My ResLifeBU experience

Hiya 👋 I’m here to share my experiences with ResLifeBU – an exclusive programme linked with all BU accommodation that supports you in your first year of uni. They run events from murder mystery evenings to bringing dogs into halls during exam season! Watch to see how ResLifeBU helped me settle in to uni.

Study and work opportunities abroad at BU

Did you know that most BU students are eligible to receive funding in order to study and work abroad? If challenging yourself in an international setting sounds like your kind of thing, then keep on reading for all the necessary details! The new Turing Scheme enables BU students to study or work abroad during their… Read more » about Study and work opportunities abroad at BU

A blackboard with writing on saying Sunday roasts are back

The best places to eat on a budget in Bournemouth

Bournemouth can be a great place for cheap eats if you know the right places to look, in this living crisis and being students we can all appreciate a nice, cheap meal and living in Bournemouth for a few years as a student here I have been able to compile a list of my favourite… Read more » about The best places to eat on a budget in Bournemouth

Keep fit and healthy with me at BU!

Keeping fit and healthy whilst at university may not be the first thing students think about, especially during freshers week and the Christmas period. So today, I am here to guide you through the ways that I like to stay healthy whilst at BU. Before coming to BU I was a fairly active person. From… Read more » about Keep fit and healthy with me at BU!

A group of men and women dressed in colourful clothing are standing on a pathway with trees around them and a green fence stands on the right hand side of the image. A male wearing an orange shirt to the left side of the image is holding a water bottle and a female wearing a green shirt to the right hand side of the image is holding a camera.

My placement experience in India

This is a guest blog by Velvet Johnson, who is studying BSc (Hons) Nutrition. Hi, I’m Velvet. I just turned 20 this summer and I’m currently in my third year studying a BSc in Nutrition at Bournemouth University. I chose to study here because the modules within the Nutrition Course looked varied and interesting and… Read more » about My placement experience in India

Kate in her bedroom with the words uni halls vs housing

Halls vs. Houses

In this video, I give some comparisons to living in halls vs. living in a house. Hear about the perks and responsibilities involved with each option to help you decide where you want to live.

Emily at a charity gala during her internship year

Emily’s internship as a Digital Content Specialist

This is a guest blog written by Emily Davis, studying BA Hons) Marketing Communications with Advertising at Bournemouth University. Emily is currently completing a placement year at Stanley, Black and Decker as a Digital Content Specialist Intern. I work within the Digital & E-commerce team, reporting to the Social Media Manager for UK & ROI…. Read more » about Emily’s internship as a Digital Content Specialist

Student Pride

National Student Pride at BU

National Student Pride is the biggest student LGBTQIA+ event in the country! The three day festival in February, hosted by University of Westminster, is made for students and run by student and it is committed to improve the queer student experience nationally! The event features a number of talks, a careers fair and performances which… Read more » about National Student Pride at BU