My Commonwealth Scholarship: A world of opportunities

I was really excited when I was notified of my approved funding from the Commonwealth Scholarship Commission. I’m not sure whether it was the chance to study at Bournemouth University, in its prestigious tourism department with distinguished academics such as Professor Buhalis or the joys of finally getting funding to attain a Master’s degree in… Read more » about My Commonwealth Scholarship: A world of opportunities

Being a student ambassador

Among many precious memories BU has granted me, being a student ambassador is probably the most amazing one. Briefly said, a student ambassador is the one helping with all kinds of events such as open days, career fairs, and educational fairs; undertaking some specialist roles like blogger, mentor, subject specialist; and basically representing the uni… Read more » about Being a student ambassador

Funding your studies

With tuition fees, accommodation, day-to-day living expenses and perhaps relocation costs and conferences or other educational activities, postgraduate study isn’t cheap!  Fortunately there are numerous ways to fund your studies and support available to soften the blow.  Here I give a brief overview of the options and tips for funding your time at BU. Fees… Read more » about Funding your studies

Why I love BU

As I write this, I’ve been at BU for almost eight months and am about to get started on my Master’s project. I can hardly believe the time has gone so fast, and I think the fact that I’m enjoying life here so much has a lot to do with it. I feel so fortunate… Read more » about Why I love BU

Beautiful Barcelona!

To make the most of my time in Europe, after my internship in Malta, I flew to Spain and continued my studies as an Erasmus student in Universitat Autòmona de Barcelona (UAB). UAB is the best university in Spain, according to The World University Rankings 2015-2016. In Europe, UAB ranks the top 100. And it… Read more » about Beautiful Barcelona!