What is Clearing Plus?

Clearing is being made easier than ever with the new, personalised system, Clearing Plus. Previously, Clearing meant that you had to search through listings of courses and then contact each university to talk through your options. With 30,000 courses to choose from, this can understandably be a bit overwhelming. With Clearing Plus, UCAS are hoping… Read more » about What is Clearing Plus?

Tips for application process and interview day for paramedic science

This is a guest blog by current student Eloise Pearce, studying BSc (Hons) Paramedic Science. The application process when applying to any university, for any course, can be a stressful experience no matter which subject you are hoping to study.  Even more so for the BSc (Hons) Paramedic Science course due to its limited spaces… Read more » about Tips for application process and interview day for paramedic science

Ten pieces of advice as a fellow Indian Student

Ten pieces of advice I would like to give as a fellow Indian Student in Media and Communication Courses (more or less also applicable to other courses and pathways):    Research your journey. Before even leaving your home take a good look at your journey plan and try to find some interesting avenues. If a… Read more » about Ten pieces of advice as a fellow Indian Student

Being the first in your family to go to university

Being a first-generation student can be a tough gig. For some, it can feel strange knowing how to fit into a place that none of your family have been before. If you feel this way, don’t worry! Feelings of stress and worry before starting university are completely normal, especially if you are a first-generation student…. Read more » about Being the first in your family to go to university

My Masters Application from India

It was the summer of 2019 when I finally decided that I wanted to continue studying animation. After extensive research, I had finally decided that Bournemouth University was the best option for me and the next biggest step was my application. I first approached BU by emailing AskBU, questioning them about the animation course. They… Read more » about My Masters Application from India

Postgraduate Study: Applying through an Agent

Applying to university requires consideration, research and preparation, especially when considering a foreign institution as every country has its own application system. In situations where you are facing unfamiliar territory, it is great to have a reliable source of information. Agents can aid by submitting applications to foreign universities on the student’s behalf. While studying… Read more » about Postgraduate Study: Applying through an Agent