Will Rodwell Produced by

Placement year

BA (Hons) Media Production

At BU, we have a vast range of facilities in every aspect of production and post-production at your disposal for your projects. From Sound Mixing and Editing, to Cameras and even a cinema room, in this blog, I will be showing you around the amazing facilities that BU has to offer!

After Pre-Production, where you plan out your entire production, hire actors and all the pSony FS5 out in Bournemouthaperwork, you will start making your project! And that means a trip to the Kit Desk. The Kit Desk is where you will pick up all of your equipment which you book out prior to production. Whether that is a Sony FS5 Camera, a Binaural Microphone, or if you fancy, a wind machine! They have so much to choose from that you can make any idea a reality!

Now you have your kit, you need a place to film. Now you may choose to film on location in a public arSound Stageea like the town centre or the woods, but if you choose to film in a studio environment, that’s when the Sound Stage might come in handy! The Sound Stage is a versatile 200msq room used for soundproofed filming and can also be great for practicing your basic camera and lighting techniques. For animation students, there is also 16 Motion Capture sensors around the room.

Now that you have filmed your project, you need to piece it all together in Post-Production. To edit your film, you are able to use one of the many editing suites with the latest industry-Finishing Post-Production Suitestandard software and hardware. Once you have your rough cut, you might feel that some sounds are missing to make it seem realistic; this is when the Foley Studio will be beneficial. Foley is character sound added in post-production, you can use textures like gravel to create footsteps, or crumple up a shirt to create the sound of clothes on the body; the possibilities are endless!Foley Studio

Once you’ve recorded all of your foley, you can use the Sound Mixing suite to mix together all of your sound effects, music, dialogue and more to add that extra depth to your project.

Congratulations! You have now finished your production, and now all that’s left to do is share what you have made with your friends, family and a wider audience. This is where you might decide to use the Screening Room. This room has 7.1 Dolby Atmos surround sound so you hear your films come to life cinema style. It’s also great for movie nights with your friends!Poole Gateway Building

So that is a couple of the facilities you can use as part of the BA (Hons) Media Production course here at BU! If you want to see them up close, book on to one of our Open Days where we run bespoke media facilities tours around our Poole Gateway Building!

That’s a wrap!!

One Response to “What facilities you have access to as a BA (Hons) Media Production student”

  1. Rohan Shah

    Hi, Great article!
    I’m enjoying reading your posts. This is well worth reading. You presented great insight and information.


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