Hem Produced by
from India

MSc in Management with Business Analytics

I am from India, a country that is very well-known for its rich culture and heritage. After completing my undergraduate, I decided to move abroad to pursue higher education, for which I chose Bournemouth University. Bournemouth is a coastal resort town on the south coast of England. It is a place booming with opportunity, due to which it provides an environment of growth for international students. I would like to mention some factors that particularly impressed me about Bournemouth.


I see people from places like the United States of America, Thailand, Nigeria, Taiwan, Turkey, Indonesia and almost every nook and corner of the world coming here to advance their careers. I enter my classroom and it is such a refreshing experience, interacting with people from diverse backgrounds. This remarkably helps us to form worldwide connections and international contacts. I feel like it is very advantageous to expand one’s network. It gives us a sense of humanity and makes one feel like the world is very easily accessible if you have the right friends from the right places. Additionally, when you get into contact with people from different origins and ethnicities, it gives you a profound insight into their cultural backgrounds which helps you grow immensely as a person. On the contrary, back where I come from, I didn’t find a lot of people of various nationalities. India attracts countless international tourists, but international diversity in a classroom is quite rare.

Helpful Attitude

While moving here, I was concerned about the issue of racism or discrimination but after I arrived here, my experience has been extraordinary. The people here have been very hospitable and treat you like family just like people are back in my country, India. I feel free to ask anyone for help. I have come across some great people who have inspired me and reached out to me. Being surrounded by such helpful people makes me miss home a little less.

Vibrant Environment 

India is a country where youngsters comprise of a major part of the population. Similarly, student population constitutes the majority of this town. Due to this, the surroundings have been developed to be quite youth-centric. It’s a happening place with numerous clubs, cafes and restaurants to study, work, grab a bite and hangout with your friends at. Overall, the city gives out a very vibrant and happy vibe which is quite suitable for the young population. 

The Golden beaches

All the above-mentioned points aside, if I’m asked to pick one thing that I love the most about Bournemouth, it would undoubtedly be its golden sand beaches, a very significant part of this coastal town. You can see people going out on walks and jogs, playing games with friends or family, having small picnics, barbeques, and parties with their loved ones or just taking a breath of fresh air and reconnecting with nature. It’s a beautiful sight at any time of the day. 

In conclusion, life at Bournemouth, though quite different than life back at home, easily makes you feel at home at the same time.



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