Produced by Linh Trinh
from Vietnam
MA Marketing Communications
As International Women’s Day approaches, I would like to take this special occasion to show my gratitude for all the women who inspire, support, and accompany me in my growth journey. Had it not been for their support, I could not have had the motivation to go this far and achieve different milestones in life.

To my mum
Growing up as an introvert, I sometimes struggle to talk about my feelings. I am a stubborn daughter who wants to do things in my way. Everything has changed since I started studying abroad. People say the absence makes the heart grow fonder. I think it truly reflects my situation. I remember the first call to my mum when I started my quarantine in the UK with tears in my eyes and said that I miss her and miss home so much. It has been nearly a year since I moved to the UK for my study. The more time flies, the more I appreciate those calls to my mum. She has been the sounding board to every step in my journey. Her love, care, and sympathy have made me the person I am today. On this International Women’s Day, my brother and I plan to surprise my mum with a small gift with a card to wish her great health, joy, and happiness.
To my teacher
My second semester at Bournemouth University began with a welcome session from the programme team. That was when I met Janice – my teacher for the Consumer Insights unit. She is one of the funniest, inspiring, and supportive teachers I have ever had. The joy, excitement, little jokes here and there she made while delivering insightful lectures has made the supposed-to-be academic heavy unit so exciting and practical. Her effort in making the theories easier to understand has opened many doors for me to explore human attitude and behaviour. Thanks to her support, we were able to work on live briefs and had the opportunity to pitch to leading clients in the industry. She also supported me to follow the research area I am interested in. Janice, if you read this part, I want to thank you for all the wonderful opportunities and memories we have had. Thank you for your encouragement, constant support, and inspiring lectures, which have made my experience in the UK so fruitful and full of joy.

To my best friends
I am lucky to have lots of good friends in different stages of life. As we grow older, we go different paths, but we will always be there for each other no matter what happens. I guess that is the meaning of true friendships in adulthood. One friend left a high paid job to follow her passion, one friend who loves travelling chose to stay close and take care of her parents, one friend overcame prejudices and stereotypes and stepped out of her comfort zone, the one who found the love of her life and values her self-love. Thanks to the deep conversation, silly jokes, the laugh, the tear with these women, I have had the best memories and overcome the most difficult times together. I wish we could grow older and braver together.

To all women and girls
This is a time to honour and celebrate the achievement and contribution of all the women and girls out there. If you are a girl, teenager and woman, I wish you the happiest International Women’s Day. Keep doing what you are doing, because, for somebody, you are truly an inspiration.