Produced by Guest blogger
This is a guest blog by current student Aranka Spanyik, read her blog to find out why she choose to study at Bournemouth University.
Hello! My name is Aranka and I study International Tourism & Hospitality Management.
When I came to an Open Day at BU, I instantly felt like I belonged, and I also fell in love with Bournemouth. I chose my course because I had worked as a waitress for a number of years, which is a mentally and physically demanding job with low pay. However, I really enjoyed my job, and decided I wanted to work within the hospitality industry, at a higher level. I love to travel, and my ideal job would involve travelling. Therefore, I chose to study International Tourism & Hospitality Management at BU, in hope of achieving both of these goals.
I love how versatile the course is, with a wide range of units, including Finance, Marketing, and Human Resource Management. I never imagined studying these topics within a Hospitality and Tourism degree, however, I am glad these are part of the course as you learn all aspects of the industry operations and it allows you to go on to work in one of these areas as well.

Furthermore, studying at university and completing assignments has taught me a lot about myself, as well as learning efficient ways of organising myself, studying and managing my time. I have gained many skills such as presenting, public speaking, confidence to speak up and engage with academics and my peers. I also feel that the degree is preparing me for the workplace after graduation in several ways, such as through practical sessions e.g. the Food Systems unit where you cook and compare food with different nutritional values, as well as food safety, looking at types of mould through a microscope, and learning about farm to fork food chains and the placement year. This degree has provided so much value in preparing me for the future, which I do not think I would have experienced elsewhere.
I am very excited to be doing a ‘self-directed’ placement, an option only offered by my faculty, the Business School. This gives me an opportunity to design a package of activities in aid of my employability and personal development, and as a part of it I am hoping to keep learning Spanish, study abroad, work a short-term traditional placement job abroad and spend some time pursuing one of my other interests through online courses.
My advice for anyone thinking about coming to Bournemouth University is to take control of your learning and your time at university and go after what you want. Your university experience is what you make of it, and the more you put into it the more value you will get out of it. Put yourself out there, network, and make as many connections as possible, societies are a great way to do this. Also, first year is important, and it really does prepare you for year 2 and your final year so make the most of the teaching and the money you invested.

Lastly, an amazing thing I love about BU is its location, the beach is beautiful, and it is the perfect place to take a break from studies, clear your head, and relax (or do swimming, yoga or surfing!). Bournemouth also has a great nightlife and plenty of spots to socialise with friends.