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We asked BSc (Hons) Sport Coaching student Archie McEachran a few questions about his BU experience and what he thinks about his course, read on to find out more.

Why did you decide to study at BU and what attracted you to your course?

I decided to study at Bournemouth University because the course was a perfect fit. I have always been interested in sports coaching and the psychological aspect of sport, so to find a course that fitted everything that I was interested in learning was good to see.

What do you enjoy the most about studying at BU?

I love how involved lecturers are and how friendly they are to work with. As a student representative I have been lucky enough to work closely with my lecturers which has been really nice and allowed me to settle in nicely.

Do you have a favourite unit and why?

My favourite unit so far has been sport and exercise psychology. The unit explores the principles of sport and exercise psychology which provides insight in the psychological aspect of an athlete and a coach profile. It also explores different ways to combat mental health issues within sport which has been a favourite area of mine.

How is your degree preparing you for your future?

Besides being perfect for the career direction I would like to go in, this degree is going to allow me to learn more about myself being more independent, building my confidence and being able to work with different types of people from all over the country, and the world.


What advice would you give someone considering studying Sport Coaching at BU?

My only advice would be to do it, the course is so broad, and I believe it is so much more than what it says on the tin. If you are looking to work with great people, learn more about sports coaching and everything around it then this is for sure the course for you.

What helped you transition from studying at school to studying at university?

This I have to give to our lecturers. Despite the tough year we have had and not being able to see them face-to-face they have amazingly still managed to make me feel welcome and a part of a community at Bournemouth University.

How could future BU students prepare for university life?

You must be open minded when living with other people. Living with other people you have never met before can be an exciting and terrifying experience all at the same time, living in close quarters for most of the hours of the day can cause some friction, however if you have an open mind and are willing to accept each other’s differences then they will become true friends.

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