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Hi! My name is Madison and I am a studying MA Media & Communication at BU. I am currently undertaking a placement as a Marketing Coordinator at The Business Software Centre (TBSC).
I used various methods of trying to find a placement, which included the MyCareerHub,, LinkedIn posts, and sending emails to companies asking if they had placement opportunities available. The best resource was MyCarrerHub since you can filter through the opportunities easier and directly see whether the placement is paid, the location, their expectations, and start/end dates. Finding a placement gave me a huge confidence boost. After having some interviews that did not secure a placement, I was able to take some guidance and edit my CV and interview style. With that, I landed a great placement that has been growing in opportunities since I got here. I was also able to relocate closer to London. I do miss the beach, but I love living in a new city and exploring.
Learning and creating are the most enjoyable parts of my placement. Since the marketing department is small, I have a lot more flexibility when it comes to designing (branding) the marketing materials. Likewise, I can be experimental and use trial and error to see what works/doesn’t work. I do receive feedback from my team and make adjustments as needed but, overall,I really enjoy the freedom that goes with the learning process and creativity. On another note, I love how my job has free coffee and tea, it gives me the pep in my step!
My course is theory based and we learn different theoretical approaches to media and communication. This helps with my business marketing because I am able to take some theories and put them to the test. On my placement I have learnt some ‘behind the scenes’ business matters like how to file grants, keep track of investments, edit websites, and prepare and maintain business partnerships.
We are a pretty diverse group of people at TBSC. We range in age, gender, and national origin! Even with all our background differences, we come together and collaborate well. Likewise, I enjoy hearing the stories of my colleagues, from their past work experiences to cultural differences, because it really boosts our connection and secures a great company atmosphere. I feel like I fit in, since I am an international student, I can share my experiences too.
Professionally, I think I have become more adaptable to situations. Sometimes things come up that take priority, so I need to put what I was working on aside. My personal growth is that I am now more positive in general. My whole team is positive, up-beat, and hopeful, which is rubbing off on me and it shows with my gratitude for this placement.
I think the placement has now confused my future plans a bit, rather than help me focus. I always thought I would like to go into the PhD path, but working here isn’t something I want to end!
I was flattered by the feedback from Phil Hames, my Placement Supervisor. He has said ‘Madison has the ability to do creative work. When she applied, she included a link to her personal photography account and explained how she was self-taught in Photoshop. With a portfolio to go along with her application, I was able to see her creative side. This certainly helped secure her role as marketing coordinator, where she has been revamping our brand image.’
By Madison Miller
MA Media and Communication