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Amy Rivers has just finished her MA Advertising degree and we quizzed her about her BU experience.
What was your main reason for studying a postgraduate qualification?
To gain more knowledge on a specific subject and hopefully increase my employability.
Why did you choose BU?
Close to home, offered good career prospects (placement).
What are the best things about your course and academic experience overall?
The content of each module was helpful and informed.
What are your favourite things about living and studying in Bournemouth?
The town is nice and has good routes to everywhere. The buses are frequent and also there’s plenty to do.
What were your career aspirations before coming to BU and what are they now?
To work in advertising, upon completing my Master’s. This is still the case, more specifically in the creative team.
How do you feel your experience at BU will help you in your future career?
I’ve learnt a lot on my MA, more than my undergraduate. I’ve learnt real life professional skills to apply to the work place. I feel ready to step in to work
What piece of advice would you give to a prospective postgraduate student considering BU?
Think about what course could help you the most, don’t necessarily choose a course you did at undergrad.