Produced by Guest blogger

Sijuade Yusuf (Nigeria)
Hi, my name is Sijuade Yusuf from Nigeria and I am studying a master’s in Media and Communication here at Bournemouth University. I belong to an interesting and very active all-female club at BU called the BU Feminist Society.
Knowledge promotes equality
I decided to join this club primarily because of my passion for promoting gender equality. The society is quite vibrant and works on promoting its values amongst the student community and beyond.
The society describes itself as one which aims to raise and promote awareness regarding the key issues women of all cultures face today. We also tackle stereotypes and misconceptions of what feminism is and address what it means to be a feminist who fights to create freedom of choice and equal opportunities for all women at Bournemouth University.
Boosting student inclusion…together
Engaging on the club activities is not difficulty, as lecture times are considered before scheduling activities which will require participation. One such activity that I found thoroughly enjoyable and interactive was a ‘sleep over’ held within the premises of Talbot Campus. A night of movies, food and bonding. The thought behind this event is what I consider a deliberate and thoughtful measure to help students de-stress in a non-conventional yet, friendly atmosphere.
The start of 2018 has been exciting with very interesting activities ranging from debates on rape and sexual abuse to self-defence training and film screenings. Some of these activities are done in conjunction with other clubs and societies with occasional appearances from professionals in relevant fields (for example, The Dorset Rape Crisis Support team). It is no doubt an admirable initiative to strengthen the female society at Bournemouth University and boost their self-esteem.
There are several other line-ups of events for the rest of the academic year, which are communicated early enough to give ample time towards planning for participation and attendance.
The culture at Bournemouth University is to encourage clubs to support other BU clubs to ensure that we are all working together to achieve a university community where everyone feels valued and welcome.
Little things, big impact
The Feminist Society works hard to improve life for its female students. It is interested not just in major topics, but in the smaller details, such as feminine hygiene and general wellbeing. In addition to that, an officer of the club is dedicated to helping students who find themselves in financially tight situations and cannot afford feminine products.
The community feeling that is gained by joining a club of like-minded individuals is one that I consider truly inclusive and welcoming to an international student like me. I have gained friends whose friendship I know will last longer than our time together at BU. In my opinion, the BU Feminist Society is truly amazing!
By Sijuade Yusuf, Nigeria, MA Media and Communication