Whether you get a part time job during your time at Bournemouth Uni or you keep your job at home for when you return at the holidays, part time work provides more than just cash. Of course, as a student watching your bank balance rise or at least stay constant is the best feeling. After your student loan has disappeared on your rent and food, that extra bit of income can enhance your university experience through paying for societies, the gym and a few VK’s. However, as well as allowing you to afford a few treats, a part time job offers many more perks.

A part time job plays a huge role in your socialisation. It offers an entire new environment and the chance to make new friends, many of which will be students just like you. Working a 6 hour shift in Greg’s or Topshop will allow plenty of time for you to bond with your co-workers and it can even lead you to forming such good friendships that you meet up outside work for socials.
Secondly it looks great on your CV. Nowadays most people will be receiving degrees so it’s the extra factors that make you stand out and a part time job speaks millions. Not only does it show you are proactive but it demonstrates that you can balance both a job and your studies. One of the main skills you will be sure to develop will be your communication skills. Speaking and dealing with customers and clients are vital in any job and the more experience you have with these, the better you will be and the higher your confidence. Most jobs require you to work in a team so a part time job will provide you with real examples of working effectively in a team. Overall a part time job develops you as a person and helps you in the transition from student into the professional world.
Finally, with university it’s a shock going from long daily hours at school to irregular lectures dotted throughout the week. If you’re anything like me and need to keep busy, I take my days in the week where I’m not needed in university as an opportunity to work. You’ll no doubt have some independent study to do but if a day off for you screams out a Netflix binge, you might as well be out there working, earning money, socialising and developing your skills.
There are so many opportunities with regards to part time jobs. Some jobs will require standard shifts each week and if you like consistency then this might be the option for you. But if you prefer more flexible hours, check out relieve work or even a job as an ambassador – I get to pick my shifts, receive a pink hoody, meet great new people and of course make money!