If you are soon to be starting university, you are probably feeling a bit apprehensive as well as ridiculously excited! This is totally normal so try not to worry too much! University can be one of the best experiences of your life so to help calm some of those worries and help prepare you for this amazing experience you are soon to be embarking on, I’ve prepared a list of some of the things you should do before starting Uni…
The Basics
Opting for a cheeky takeaway every night isn’t going to be particularly healthy for you or your student budget, so it’s wise to buy a cook book or to learn a few of your favourite home-cooked meals to cook at uni. This will be easier on your budget and will help to cure some of those homesickness blues.
Buying the Essentials
Becoming the next Jamie Oliver in your uni kitchen is going to be a bit difficult without some cooking utensils, right? Before starting uni it’s therefore best to write a list of all the essentials you’ll need to buy for your new independent life! There are lots of websites which provide you with all the basic things you’ll need. Coming to the end of my first year, I’ve listed below some of the less obvious things you’ll need which websites might not mention:
Mattress Protector – Some bed mattresses may be a bit worse for wear so its definitely advisable to buy one as some university halls may not provide these. These are usually quite cheap and available from any supermarket.
Doorstop – When first moving into halls it’s good to leave your door open, especially on move in day, so that it’s easier to socialise with your flatmates.
Earplugs –just trust me on this one!
University Matters
Living away from home can be really daunting for some people (it definitely was for me!) so researching and visiting accommodation your university offers can really help as feeling comfortable in where you live can make living away from home that little bit easier. Its best to determine your preferences before the day you select your accommodation as this can be a bit of a free for all so make sure you are happy with a range of choices.
Finding Course-mates/ Flatmates
Living with people you have never met before and making new friends can be overwhelming for some (it definitely was for me!). A good way to help with this worry is to join a Facebook group of the accommodation you will be living in and the course you will be studying. This gives you a really good chance of finding flatmates and course-mates allowing you to get to know each other which can make the ‘meeting new people thing’ a whole lot easier! I did this myself and it really helped me settle in and make friends a lot quicker.

Making the most of your time with family and friends
One of the hardest aspects of university can be living away from family and friends. It’s therefore definitely worth making the most of your time with them before you leave; whether that’s having a farewell night out with your best friends or choosing to spend the evening chilling with your family instead of locked away in your room.
It’s important to remember though, that even though you may be far away, friends and family are only a phone call, facetime or message on social media away which makes the distance a lot easier!
I hope this post has helped with your preparation for uni and good luck to those of you starting in September!
By Jasmine Cattigan