Let me walk you through my busy day as an MA Radio Production student!
I’m on Talbot campus for about 8.45, ready for a radio workshop at 9.00 and I have just enough time to return a Tas-Cam DR 40 to the Kit room. As MA students it’s easy to borrow professional standard kit for our projects. I have a chat with the friendly tech team before going to the café to grab a quick cup of tea before heading up to Studio 1 to meet up with my course mates (we refer to each other as the ‘Radio Family’). Today we’re working with industry recognised audio editing software. We concentrate on removing background noise from interviews and go over the basics on how to adjust audio levels. This knowledge is essential during the post production process when creating content for our very own radio station BIRSt.co.uk, as well as preparing us for the professional world.

After grabbing lunch together in the Poole House cafeteria, our radio family heads off to a lecture shared with the rest of the Media Production Framework. It’s a wonderful creative environment to work in, and sharing modules with other production students really helps widen your perspective. My day as a Radio Production student is busy, challenging and enjoyable. I love spending time creating and learning with such a diverse group of people, while at the same time knowing I’m becoming well prepared for a career in Radio.

By Olivia Beazley