Produced by gales
By Sanita Lustika
Third year BU student, BA (Hons) Digital Media Design
There is no reason to worry about meeting new people when you come to university. I know that now, but back when I was about to move to Bournemouth it definitely didn’t feel that way.
What I’ve learnt is that Fresher’s is the best time ever to meet new people. Join as many day time activities as you can, for example, ‘Help I can’t cook’ or ‘Tour around Bournemouth’, because the students who turn up there are in the same position as you. The guys I met in these events were always friendly and more open than students in everyday situations. Meeting new people can also be as simple as joining in a game of pool in Dylans (our student bar). It is quite likely you will hang out with the same people in the Old Fire Station (our student club), as most of the evening events in the first two weeks are hosted there. Though, I have to admit the cheap drinks and music kind of takes over the meeting part.
From an internationals perspective ‘Buddy Lunch’ and ‘Global Café’ are fantastic events to meet other people with similar experience and share stories of your countries and first impressions of living in UK. In addition these events provide free food and what student doesn’t love that? Some of the people I’ve met in these events during the first few weeks are now going to be my friends for life.
Well the Fresher’s period will go in the speed of lightning – so what next?
At the end of Fresher’s there is Fresher’s Fair and while it is tempting to grab some of those goodie bags it is also a chance to sign up for clubs and societies. I think there is something for everyone. And the more you get involved in your first year, the more awesome people you meet. It is one of my quiet regrets that I didn’t do more.
I signed up for ‘Baking society’ and ‘Drawing and International Art society’. It turns out I liked the relaxed atmosphere of drawing so much that I’ve been going to the sessions for all 3 years of university. Every year the crowd in the society is a bit different so it has helped me to get to know quite a few like-minded people, with whom I always have something to chat about.
And it is not just the clubs, Student Union (SUBU) also offers volunteering and there are plenty of opportunities, such as ‘BUtiful Film Festival’, which welcomes people no matter what they are studying. All of these places are “gold mines” for some fantastic, fun and friendly people, who can turn into friends or become part of professional network.
All in all, the hardest bit is that first step of signing up and overcoming fear of going somewhere for the first time. After that it is just the matter of committing to what you like and having a great time with your new friends.