Bournemouth University, with a town by the sea and a student population as global as it can get, is the perfect hub for sports, cultural and academic-related activities. You can never be bored, and it’s nearly blasphemous if you said it out loud. Well, if you don’t believe me, let’s go on a tour and you can decide for yourself.
Need a coffee fix?

You have a variety of options – Starbucks, Costa, Naked Café, Fusion Café, all spread out across our Talbot campus. There are lots of dining options too; you can pick Dylan’s – the local pub, the Atrium or the fresh food counters in the Fusion building. This is great way to network in your free time.
Want to represent your class?
You can join the #PurpleArmy and be part of the leadership programme. If you’re looking to broaden that CV, get on board with the Global Talent programme and earn your badges to increase your employability prospects.
Want to get involved?
SUBU, the Student Union building is home to a myriad of options for you to indulge in. There are over 30 sports that BU offers on campus and at a competitive level. There are volunteering opportunities that are promoted on the third floor. You can choose to work with refugees or spend a Sunday evening feeding the homeless at a soup kitchen. Monthly trips are also planned to places including the Jurassic Coast, Oxford, London and Bath. You can be part of clubs like the musical choir, the Harry Potter association, ResLife, or if you want to discuss your religious ideas with like-minded folks, you could visit the Chaplaincy at Talbot house.
Need something a bit quieter?
The library has four floors tailored to meet your academic dreams. You can learn a language while you’re studying or attend a workshop on SPSS or Python if it’s something that interests you. BU offers a variety of workshops that are designed for your learning, powered by the Careers centre and department faculties.
Working part-time on campus is another great way to spend your time and Poole house often has flyers about the local party scene in the town centre.
BU aims to make your student experience grander and they work hard to do it. You can follow Facebook pages, the events guide, or the monthly bulletin for regular updates.
Find out more
Find out more about BU’s various clubs and societies.