Orthopaedic Research Institute features in National Campaign

This week, ORI was showcased as part of a Universities UK (UUK) national campaign, ‘MadeatUni’ which sees a host of UK universities celebrated for their contributions to society and everyday life.

The list, which has been compiled by UUK, aims to celebrate significant interventions, discoveries and social initiatives made by academics over the years which have had a transformative impact on people’s everyday lives.

ORI was recognised for its research into the conservative management of osteoarthritis and work on robotic hip surgery.

Professor Middleton commented: “Establishing ORI stems from our passion for improving the quality of care for orthopaedic patients. Our previous research has demonstrated that enhanced recovery pathways can make a significant different both to patient recovery and clinical practice. By delivering multi-disciplinary support from the beginning of a patient’s journey, we can improve quality of care and reduce length of hospital stay needed.”

Professor Dame Janet Beer, president of UUK, said the list is “a testament to the difference that universities make to people’s lives.”

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