Workpackage 2

Workpackage 2 –Consumer perception -product and sensory analysis: The objective of WP2 is to evaluate the sensory characteristics of the vegetables that would influence its choice by different age groups. The specific objectives are from a methodological perspective -To optimize the free sorting task in regards to the kind of products (i.e. vegetables) and to the kind of consumers (i.e. age / nationality) – which will lead to the operational output:  Guideline for free sorting task > tools box development, and from a knowledge perspective – To better understand consumer perception of the product sensory variations according to their characteristics (i.e. age, gender, nationality)leading to operational output: Key information / recommendations for product range rationalisation and design. Background: Processed vegetables, namely, canned and frozen, constitute a way for Europeans to meet affordably their dietary needs. In particular, canned and frozen varieties of vegetables provide a convenient way to promote intake, have a shelf life longer than their fresh counterpart and are ready to eat and easy to use in meal preparation. These features make them valuable alternatives for busy and cost-conscious consumers. Furthermore, canned and frozen vegetables offer virtually the same nutrition as fresh, with the advantage of facilitating accessibility, storage and food safety disparities. This WP addresses the following Industry challenges: Sensory product characterisation; Perception of sensory variation and acceptability according to consumer characteristics; Optimisation of sensory and consumer tests according to subject characteristics and suitable for the specific vegetable products (from a technical perspective).

This WP will be led by Bonduelle and includes 3 tasks as outlined:

Research components: Task 2.1 (product characterisation): Consists of the sensory characterisation of vegetables by means of descriptive methods, their instrumental characterisation: Firmness, RMN and the study of the link between sensory and instrumental data. Task 2.2 (consumer test design): Optimisation of several parameters of the free sorting task method (e.g. nb of product, test instructions). Task 2.3 (consumer tests): Evaluation of sensory variation discrimination according to consumer background (age, gender, nationality) applying a free sorting test and collecting liking and perceived freshness responses. Further it will perform Textual data mining: consumer perception across 4 countries also with free sorting test design.


Workpackage 2 report – Consumer perception (product and sensory analysis)


University of Florence -Italy: Caterina Dinnella, Camilla Masi, Danny Cliceri, Isabella La Viola & Erminio Monteleone

Bonduelle – France: David Morizet & Laurence Depezay

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