
Studying sustainable and wildlife tourism at Bournemouth University

Studying sustainable and wildlife tourism at Bournemouth University Department of Tourism and Hospitality Drs. Susanna Curtin and Jon Edwards had an enjoyable day out at RSPB Arne with the MSc students studying wildlife, nature and ecotourism. They were there to experience the diverse wetland and woodland habitat and to learn about the relationship between nature reserves and ecotourism.  Are… Read more » about Studying sustainable and wildlife tourism at Bournemouth University

follow Dr Susanna Curtin’s blog WILDLIFE TRAVELS blog http://rewildingjourneys.com/ and explore her recent field trips

Day 6: Back to the fieldstation at Sicundur… ON MARCH 31, 2016 BY SUSANNA CURTININ WILDLIFE TRAVELS We awake at 7am, hot and cramped in our tiny tent after torrential rain had disturbed our sleep as we rescued boots and shoes from under the tent flaps.  Breakfast of smoked fish, chillies and rice is already prepared… Read more » about follow Dr Susanna Curtin’s blog WILDLIFE TRAVELS blog http://rewildingjourneys.com/ and explore her recent field trips