4 Hospitality Management Students are chosen for prestigious Young Guns Award final

The prestigious Young Guns Award is a national competition that recognises hospitality students that have excelled in their work placements.

For the last 11 years Bournemouth has held a place in the finals and has had a student win most years.

This year 4 of the 10 finalists nationally are from Bournemouth University’s Hospitality Management degree and 5 other universities sharing the remaining 6 places.

Congratulations to Caroline Austin, Emily Bird, Rebecca Cridge and Sam Pryor who have been chosen as the four finalists from Bournemouth University.

We wish them all the best at the Judges lunch in London on March 7th hosted by Lexington Catering.

Senior Lecturer Sean Beer interviewed regarding the horse meat scandal


Yesterday, School of Tourism Senior Lecturer, Sean Beer commented on the horse meat burger story.

“I suppose that what surprises me about the revelation that horse DNA has been found in burgers …in the UK is that people are surprised. But then most people don’t know anything about the food that they consume, and care less. If I came up to you on the street and said “can I put my fingers in your mouth” most people would call the police; yet we quite happily stuff whatever into our mouths without a second thought. Combine this with global supply chains, competition for profit and severe economic pressure and things will happen. A bit of horse meat in my burger is one of the least of my food worries.”

His comments were picked up by the Daily Echo and yesterday he was even interviewed on Radio Solent.

Will this change your eating habits?

School of Tourism’s Neelu Seetaram co-edits Handbook of Research Methods in Tourism

Back in August School of Tourism’s Neelu Seetaram coedited Handbook of Research Methods in Tourism: Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches with Larry Dwyer and Alison Gill.

 This insightful book explores the most important established and emerging qualitative and quantitative research methods in tourism.

 The authors provide a detailed overview of the nature of the research method, its use in tourism, the advantages and limitations, and future directions for research.

 Each chapter is structured to provide information on: the nature of the technique and its evolution; background and types of problems that the technique is designed to handle; applications of the technique to tourism, including discussion of studies that have used the technique and their findings; advantages and limitations of the technique conceptually and for policy formulation; and further developments and applications of the technique in tourism research.

 Handbook of Research Methods in Tourism will appeal to social scientists, students as well as researchers in tourism who use quantitative and qualitative research techniques.

 The book is available to buy from Amazon here

Digital Destinations Project host their 2nd Seminars


This week the Digital Destinations Project are hosting their second seminars for 60 businesses that are signed onto the project.

The aim of the yearlong project is to capture change in the adoption and use of digital technologies and to develop a strong, competitive local tourism economy.

Each business that signed up to the project is assigned a final year E-Marketing student who will eventually help them come up with an online strategy.

Dr Philip Alford and Online Consultant Maureen McAllister will be helping the businesses throughout the project and teaching them online best practice for their business.

As well as this each group will participate in a series of knowledge exchange activities including strategic online marketing workshops, webinars on best practice case studies in e-marketing, expert speaker presentations and exclusive access to resources and materials to enable them to stay ahead of the digital economy.

For more information on the Digital Destinations project please visit http://www.budigitalhub.com/

Bournemouth University International Conference on Events – July 3rd – 5th 2013

 This July, Bournemouth University will be hosting the international Conference on Events and the 10th AEME Forum.

The conference aims to debate the way in which we see, think and undertake events management research, pedagogy, policy and practice.

Acknowledging the growing international research within the events area, the organisers invite extended abstracts from researchers, academics and industry experts who have an interest in events management.

This three-day conference will encompass presentations, e-posters and workshops where we hope that participants will bring their expertise to help create a ‘sea-change’ of support for the future of events.

As well as the conference being a great opportunity for students to meet some key academics in the event management field, Maters and PhD students are also being the opportunity to present their research in the form of an E-Poster at the conference.

For more information on the conference and for abstract submission guidelines please see the website


The School of Tourism welcomes new staff arrivals

 Today the School of Tourism has welcomed three new staff who will be working at Bournemouth University from now on.

 Firstly, Dr Anya Chapman who will be teaching Tourism who has joined us from Liverpool Hope University. Anya will be based in D211.

Nicole Ferdinand will be joining the Event and Leisure team as a Senior Lecturer from London Metropolitan University. Nicole will be based in D127.

Our final new addition is Dr Nigel Williams who will also be joining the Event and Leisure team as a senior lecturer University of Bedfordshire.  Nigel will be based in D130.

We wish all of our new staff the best of luck in their new roles and welcome them to the School of Tourism.

MSc Tourism Graduate Christy Hehir launches her book Arctic Reflections


We have previously bought you the news that one of graduates, Christy Hehir has been lucky enough to have her PhD research created into a book called Arctic Reflections.

The book, “Arctic Reflections: Moments of inspiration, a life time of action”, is a result of seventeen young people from twelve different countries that visited Svalbard in the Norwegian Arctic, as part of an expedition funded by the European Union’s Youth in Action programme, and organised by the British Council in partnership with UNEP GRID – Arendal.

Through personal testimonies collected by Christy as part of her PhD research, and photographs taken by Luka Tomac of the sights witnessed, the book goes beyond simple impressions and acts as a poignant reminder that our planet is at great environmental risk. Importantly, it also offers positive examples of young people taking action, something the Youth in Action Programme strongly encourages. Doug Allan, prominent wildlife and documentary cameraman, experts from UNEP GRID – Arendal and Dr. Dirk Notz, a polar scientist from MaxPlanck Institute, have also contributed by adding their personal insights and knowledge, highlighting the need for urgent action necessary to save the Arctic.

The book is being officially launched on the 28th January at the Museum of Natural Sciences, Rue Vautierstraat 29, Brussels.

Speakers at the launch include:  Dr. Peter Prokosch (Managing Director, UNEP/GRID-Arendal), Christy Hehir (UK) and Luka Tomac (Croatia).

A sample of the book can be found here: http://www.britishcouncil.de/files/2012/03/Arctic-Refelections_British-Council.pdf.

The launch is open to the public but if you cannot attend please feel free to email Christy any questions or to order a copy of the book christyhehir@googlemail.com @christyhehir

We wish Christy the best of luck with the official launch of her book!

Bournemouth University hosts its 2nd Hospitality Student Conference

Last year, Bournemouth University held its first student and industry Hospitality Management Student Conference and next week Bournemouth University will be doing it again.

This year the conference will be held at the Holiday Inn Hotel Bloomsbury in London.

Last year, over 90 students from the School of Tourism travelled to the Kensington Hilton hotel in London, and were joined by around 30 students from West London College, where BU’s top-up hospitality degree is taught.

Students were able to listen to presentations and participate in a live Q&A with leading hospitality professionals from establishments such as Hilton Worldwide Europe, Deloitte LLP, charity Hospitality Action, and the Inter-Continent Hotel Group amongst others.

This year students will again hear presentations from industry and have the opportunity to take part in Q& A’s with key indsurty players including Jose Luiz, Human Resources Director for Shangri-La at the Shard and speakers from the London Marriott and Intercontinental Hotels

This year already looks set to be another great experience for our students and provide them with opportunities to interact with potential employers.

We will be tweeting throughout the conference this year using the #BUHSC13

Placement student William Sloane comes third in the AICR Receptionist of the Year Competition

William, who is a third year Hospitality Management student on placement at The Ritz Hotel, was recently nominated for the AICR Receptionist of Year competition by his colleagues.

The AICR Receptionist of the Year Competition grows stronger year on year with more Hotels showing support for their Front Office staff by recognizing their talents and putting them forward into this coveted competition which has been running since 1996.

The final was back in December and William was lucky enough to receive third place.

 The event also served as the AICR UK Christmas drinks and it was at the Crowne Plaza St James where AICR handed over £2000 to their nominated charity, Hospitality Action.

Congratulations to William!

Hello and Happy New Year!

Hello and welcome back to Bournemouth for what looks set to be an exciting spring term. We hope you enjoyed your break!

Last term was definitely exciting for the School of Tourism and we hope this term will prove to be just as enjoyable.

We will be continuing to bring you all the news via this blog about what we have been up to!

We have also just launched some programme specific blogs that will contain blog post and industry news relevant to each particular programme or academic group.

You can take a look at the new blogs below:

The Sports blog

The Hospitality blog

The Tourism blog

The Events and Leisure blog

The Retail blog

For more information on any of the blogs or to have a blog posted on your behalf please contact Anna ajones@bournemouth.ac.uk