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We are recruiting! Senior Lecturer (Academic) in Tourism Marketing / Management (Fixed Term – Maternity Cover)

We are recruiting !  Senior Lecturer (Academic) in Tourism Marketing / Management (Fixed Term – Maternity Cover) Bournemouth_University_logo.svg

Salary:Starting salary from £38,896 – £46,414 per annum with further progression opportunities to £50,702

Date advertised:Monday, June 13, 2016

Closing date:Wednesday, July 13, 2016 – midnight

Please quote reference:FMG62

At Bournemouth University our vision is to create a stimulating, challenging and rewarding university experience in a world-class learning community, through sharing a unique fusion of education, research and professional practice and inspiring our students and staff to enrich the world.

The Department of Tourism & Hospitality, located in the Faculty of Management at Bournemouth University, is a new Department, signalling investment and growth, and that builds upon Bournemouth’s existing excellence and global reputation for combining research, practice and teaching in tourism and hospitality.

As Senior Lecturer in Tourism Management you will be expected to strengthen the Department’s position as a high-level research institution in joining an active and productive group of scholars whose work coalesces around the interdisciplinary understanding of tourism and hospitality. You will also engage in attracting external grant funding, knowledge transfer, continuous professional development, consultancy and other forms of external engagement and professional practice, as appropriate.

Enthusiastic about student-centred pedagogy, you will contribute to education delivery, including programme management as required, across the range of undergraduate and postgraduate programmes. You will also make a significant contribution to employability, and professional engagement with relevant internal and external organisations, at a regional, national and international level.

You will be qualified to Doctorate level or be able to demonstrate the ability to create and disseminate knowledge at an equivalent level and the capability to convert this knowledge into a doctorate in a maximum of 3-5 years from the date of appointment. You will be research active and committed to a culture of academic excellence and continuous improvement.

For further information and discussion or the opportunity for an informal visit, please contact Professor Dimitrios Buhalis, Head of Department by email on

This post is available for up to 12 months on a fixed-term contract or secondment basis to provide maternity cover for an established member of staff. If you wish to be considered as an internal secondment you must speak to your line manager first.

Yuchun Liu from Taiwan received an Academic Excellence Scholarship to study MSc in Tourism Management


My name is Yuchun Liu, I am 25 years old and I come from Taiwan. I was automatically awarded the Academic Excellence Scholarship,which at the time was worth £1,000 (it is now worth £3,500 from 2016!) off my tuition. Since the scholarship was “automatic”, it surprised me when I first read my tuition fee note and found that I had automatically received it!

Bournemouth University was always my first choice for studying Tourism at Master’s level, so when I began to undertake my research on BU scholarships through the internet I discovered this would be my main option. The PG Academic Excellence Scholarship is automatically awarded after BU receives the report card with the last academic year grade from new students. In other words, the scholarship all depended on my undergraduate course marks.

In order to receive it, I worked hard to maintain my grade in the final year of my Bachelor’s degree, and I was very glad my efforts paid off. For me, the scholarship is more than just a financial support to my family. It also makes me feel good that I made a little contribution to my parents, especially for their kindness of paying my living and education fees while abroad.

YuchunTalking about the school life in BU, I will be honest and say that I have found the course to be difficult. Especially as my first degree in Taiwan was English Linguistics and Literature and now I am studying Tourism Management and Planning; it took me lots and lots of time to do the research and understand the concepts of this new subject. However, I am enjoying what I am doing! Especially in the second term, I’ve learned so much about sustainable tourism planning and management from environmental, social and economic approaches. I can feel that I’m gaining knowledge every time I attend a lecture, and I know there’s much more out there waiting for me to dig out. Which makes things more exciting, and I can’t wait to test my capability in my future career.

During my stay in Bournemouth, my life has not just been about studying. I’ve also participated as a Chinese conversation facilitator in the BU language centre, a volunteer in Dorset’s Disability Charity, a member of the Postgraduate Development Award, a player for a social basketball team once a week, and the thing that one should never miss, is the social life with international friends after the lectures. With my good friends, we’ve discovered all kinds of food and drink in Bournemouth town centre. And the time spent with them just makes studying abroad easier.

By Yuchun Liu, MSc Sustainable Tourism Planning

我的名字叫劉宥均,今年25歲,來自台灣。2014年入學時獲得PG Academic Excellence 獎學金。因為這筆獎學金是Bournemouth University依據新生在大學的校內成績 (包含最後一學年) 而自動頒發,所以一開始在入學通知的學費上發現獲得1000英鎊 (2014年起為3000英鎊!)的學費減免時給了我不少驚喜。

Bournemouth University 一直是我在英國念觀光研究所的第一選擇,所以一開始調查學校資料時也找了關於獎學金的資訊。在發現PG Academic Excellence獎學金是我唯一有資格申請的獎學金後,我很努力維持自己在大學的成績,也很高興我的努力有了回報。對我而言這筆獎學金不只是對家裡經濟上的支援,也代表自己對家裡微薄的貢獻,可以多少減輕父母的負擔,尤其是當我的父母在經濟上的無償支援我的學業時,能盡這一點微薄之力讓我感到很開心。

聊到在BU的課業生活,老實說在這裡的課業讓我感到很吃緊。尤其是我在台灣的大學主修是外國語文學系,著重在語言學和文學方面,所以來到英國念觀光系時,課堂內所教的內容和知識都與我以往所學相差甚遠,幾乎是從頭開始學起,所以我花了很多的時間在查詢和學習觀光產業相關的知識和概念。但即便很辛苦,我對於我現在所學的內容卻相當樂在其中!  尤其是在第二學期之後,我學到了很多如何在經濟、生態、和社會環境方面的考量之下,來永續經營和規畫觀光產業。每一堂課的課程在結束時都讓我覺得自己又學到了新的東西,也了解自己還有多少不足之處,種種這些都讓我對於自己未來的職業產生了躍躍欲試的想法,希望能有機會將自己所學實踐在工作之中。

當然在學校的生活不只是唸書而已,這一年下來我也參加了不少活動,包含在BU 語言中心擔任口語會話老師,在Dorset’s Disability Charity (多賽特傷殘慈善) 擔任志工,參加Postgraduate Development Award( 研究生發展獎),每星期固定在學校的籃球社打球,還有出國在外最不能錯過的就是和外國朋友一起出去吃飯喝酒玩樂。有了這些好朋友,挖掘市中心的餐廳和酒吧變成一件趣事和消遣,也因為有了他們,大大減輕了我一人在國外唸書的辛苦。

Professor Adele Ladkin to contribute to the BU Interdisciplinary Research HE Sector Day on 21st June 2016,


BU is hosting a Interdisciplinary Research HE Sector Day on 21st June 2016, dedicated to exploring the benefits and challenges of interdisciplinary research.

The Funders’ Perspective will be provided by three speakers:

Charlotte Lester, as Policy Advisor at the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) will discuss her role where she manages interdisciplinary research and public engagement with research policy

Dan Licari (Innovate UK / KTN Creative, Digital & Design) will explore industry interactions

Ben Sharman (EU NCP – Inclusive, innovative and reflective societies) will outlineEmbedding SSH across Horizon 2020.

Other presentations include:

Key Note addressDr. Louise Mansfield (Deputy Director of the Brunel Centre for Sport, Health and Wellbeing and member of the What Works Centre for Wellbeing research team)

Supporting Interdisciplinary Working – Prof. Alan Lester and Debbie Foy-Everett (Sussex), Jordan Graham and Ehsan Masood (Research Professional) and Christopher Ferguson (Piirus)

The Academics’ PerspectiveProf. Adele Ladkin (BU), Dr. David Hutchinson (Portsmouth) and Dr. Justine McConnell (TORCH, University of Oxford)s200_adele.ladkin

Facilitated networking session – How can I contribute?

Please see the Speaker Biographies for further information on our contributors.

The event will take place in BU’s Executive Business Centre. It will be opened BU’s Professor Michael Wilmore (Executive Dean – Faculty of Media and Communication and the closing remarks will be made by BU’s Vice-Chancellor, Professor John Vinney. To find out more about BU’s Research, why not register to receive updates from our award winning Research Blog.

Please see the finalised Interdisciplinary Research HE Sector Day Progamme for more information. Key to the programme, as well as inspirational speakers, there will be plenty of time to network with colleagues and participate in exploring your own relationship with interdisciplinary research.

This event, is free and open to academics and research support staff throughout the UK.

Places are limited, so book now via Eventbrite.

Exhibit at our Service Sector Careers Fair on Wednesday 23rd November 2016 and recruit the best global talent

BU66_mee1We would like to invite you to exhibit at our Service Sector Careers Fair on Wednesday 23rd November 2016 – 11am-3pm Bournemouth University Talbot Campus. 

The event is designed to give you the opportunity to showcase your Placement and Graduate Roles, providing you with an ideal platform to meet and network with our 2000 students studying Tourism, Hospitality, Events, Leisure and Retail at undergraduate and postgraduate level who are seeking placements and graduate employment both in the UK and internationally.

You will have the opportunity to meet many of Undergraduate and Postgraduate students who are looking for placements and graduate jobs. You will also be able to make short presentations about your organisations and attract further employment interest. We have an incredibly diverse and multinational range of students reflecting the best global talent there and you will able to meet and collect CVs on the day. 

All exhibiting organisations must have full details of their Placement or Graduate Roles available on the day and sufficient personnel to answer questions and perhaps to start the interviewing process with our students.

A stand at this FREE event is on a first come first served basis due to space constraints. Please complete your booking and requirements form online as soon as possible


For more information please contact

Joanna Milner Student Employability Tel: +44 1202 961198

Simon Thomas  Industry Relations Tel: +44 1202 961285

Prof Dimitrios Buhalis Head of Department Tourism and Hospitality Tel: +44 1202 961517


Storification of the Bournemouth University Launch of the China Innovation Hub in Zhengzhou, China

Bournemouth University Launches Its China Innovation Hub

On the 26th of May 2016, BU launched its China Innovation Hub at a special event with our Vice-Chancellor, Professor John Vinney and our Pro Vice-Chancellor (Global Engagement), Dr Sonal Minocha in Zhengzhou, China.
Our China Innovation Hub is a key expression of our vision for a Global BU.

  1. Descending on Zhengzhou now having had brilliant meetings at UIBE earlier today! Can’t wait to launch later this week!

  2. Our Pro Vice-Chancellor (Global Engagement), Dr Sonal Minocha, welcomed guests to the Hub launch event. Dr Minocha highlighted Bournemouth University’s vision for its China Innovation Hub, which is to work closely with our counterparts in Universities, business and government to research and deliver innovation impact.
  3. Dr Sonal Minocha welcoming guests to our China Innovation Hub launch event.

    Dr Sonal Minocha welcoming guests to our China Innovation Hub launch event.
  4. “Our vision is aimed at developing a long-lasting collaboration that we hope will shape our collective futures” – Dr Sonal Minocha

  5. Dr Minocha invited on stage our Vice-Chancellor, Professor John Vinney, who highlighted the many successes of Bournemouth University’s journey to date. Professor John Vinney presented the University’s compelling vision of Global Fusion of education, research and professional practice.
  6. “We are proud to be one of the top 500 universities in the world and also a top 200 most international university” – Prof John Vinney

  7. China Innovation Hub launch in Zhengzhou, China

    China Innovation Hub launch in Zhengzhou, China
  8. China Innovation Hub launch in Zhengzhou, China

    China Innovation Hub launch in Zhengzhou, China
  9. Soooo of al @bournemouthuni staff out here vit us in China launching -gr8 events. @GlobalBU=

  10. Professor John Vinney and Dr Sonal Minocha were invited to participate in a ceremonial signing ceremony with a range of China Innovation Hub partners. Our China Innovation Hub brings together global expertise in technology, entrepreneurship and innovation.
  11. Today @VCJohnVinney and @PVCBU launched @BournemouthUni’s China Innovation Hub in Zhengzhou, China! #GlobalBUHubs

    Today @VCJohnVinney and @PVCBU launched@BournemouthUni’s China Innovation Hub in Zhengzhou, China! #GlobalBUHubs
  12. View image on TwitterView image on TwitterView image on Twitter Today @VCJohnVinney and @PVCBU launched @BournemouthUni’s China Innovation Hub in Zhengzhou, China! #GlobalBUHubs

Invitation to the Department of Tourism and Hospitality Bournemouth University Festival of Learning FREE events

FoL 2016 General


we would like to invite you to the Department of Tourism and Hospitality Bournemouth University  Festival of Learning FREE events

Saturday 25 June

11:00 – 5:00: FG06, Talbot Campus- Global BU: Bournemouth and Beyond- H. Osman Bookings:

Tuesday 28th June

09:00–13:00 SHARE LT FG02: eTourism: harnessing technology to increase competitiveness Dimitrios Buhalis Bookings:
14:00-18:00 SHARE LT FG02 Accessible tourism: a benefit to everyone Dimitrios Buhalis Bookings:

14:00-15:00 F104 FoodSMART – Eat out smarter! The FoodSMART team Heather Heartwell Bookings:
18:00-20:00 F101 : The Mad Hatter’s cream tea: food heritage, tradition and authenticity and back to Alice. Sean Beer Bookings:

Wednesday 29 June

18.30-20.00 FG01 : The definitive guide to post modernism. Sean Beer Bookings:
18:00-20:00 Barnes Lecture Theatre: Should we still switch off our phones on holidays? B. Neuhofer and A. Ladkin Bookings:


The new Fusion Building Opens at Bournemouth University

The new Fusion Building Opens at Bournemouth University

The Fusion Building

Very #BUProud of Stephanie Banfield, Bournemouth University final year hospitality student

Very #Bsteph9UProud of Stephanie Banfield Bournemouth University final year hospitality student who was awarded the STR Share Data Center  Certification in Hotel Industry Analytics with 98/100 

Stephanie said “Earlier this semester I was offered the opportunity to gain an additional qualification in Revenue Management. The Certification in Hotel Industry Analytics (CHIA) is an internationally recognised qualification and the field itself is becoming increasingly important, although there are still relatively few people working in it. Those that do have qualifications in Revenue Management are often very attractive to employers.

Thanks also to the BU student discount available, I jumped at the opportunity under the guidance of Dr. Giampaolo Viglia. There was a lot to learn, but it was easy to balance with my university studies because it is all an extension on what I had learned before in modules for International Hospitality Management. I am proud to have completed the qualification within a few weeks and passed with 98%. I also hope that more students take the opportunity to take the course.”

Dr Giampaolo Viglia who is responsible for teaching revenue management at Bournemouth University Department of Tourism and Hospitality said: ” We are all incredibly proud for Stephanie. We teach all students revenue management in the Hospitality degrees but it is particular pleasing that some students choose to specialise in this cutting edge topic which will give them great employability potential. We wish Stephanie well in her new career starting soon”.