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Conference: Ethical and sustainable food consumption

Wednesday 1st March 11:00-15:00 Share Lecture Theatre, Bournemouth University
Love Dorset Fairtrade Day Ethical and sustainable food consumption

Conference: Ethical and sustainable food consumption, Bournemouth University Fusion Building, Share Lecture Theatre


The event, which is being facilitated by the expertise and facilities of the Bournemouth University Department of Tourism and Hospitality and the Students Union Bournemouth University is an exciting opportunity for you to have fun learning about Fairtrade food. It’s also a great way to meet like-minded people and to discover all there is to know about our high quality, local to Dorset food community! You’ll find out just how easy it is to incorporate local, sustainable ingredients into your daily routines.

Conference: Ethical and sustainable food consumption, Bournemouth University Fusion Building, Share Lecture Theatre

11:30 – 11.45 am – Welcomes and objectives of the day

Kelly Levell, We Do Ethical Consultant

Professor Dimitrios Buhalis Head of Department of Tourism and Hospitality Bournemouth University

Charlie Souter-Philips, SUBU Vice President Welfare

11:45 – 12.00 am – Dr Sean Beer Bournemouth University : PANEL HOST

Ethical and sustainable food consumption and Food Authenticity

12:00 – 12:15 am – Neil Smith, BU Sustainability

12:15 – 12:30 am – Sarah Ali Choudhury Indian Food Expert

12:30 – 12:45 am – Matthew (Matt) Budden, Executive Chef, Bournemouth Hilton Hotel

12:45 – 13:00 am – Damian Lee, Mr Lees Noodles

13:00 – 13:15 pm – Professor Chris Shiel, Bournemouth University

13:15 – 13.30pm – Concluding thoughts: Through your work, how do you think you can inspire other people to live more healthy and ethical lifestyles?

13.30 – 15:00 pm – Lunch (at delegates expense) and Pure Networking at Fusion Building

This is a free event but we have limited availability, RSVP now to secure your ticket.


Food focused week at Bournemouth University Department of Tourism and Hospitality

Food Focused Week at Bournemouth University Department of Tourism and Hospitality

Tuesday 28 February, at 14:00-15:00 Floor 5, SUBU Student Centre, Talbot Campus
14:Live presents- FoodSMART: Eat out smarter! Have you ever considered what’s in your food when you’re eating out?
Bournemouth University Department of Tourism and Hospitality
Professor Heather Hartwell at 14:Live

Heather Hartwell


FoodSMART is an innovative technical ICT solution which uses QR coding on your smartphone to provide nutritional information and deliver personalised advice when eating out. This means that consumers can make an informed choice about what they’re eating. The app can even be tailored to your individual dietary requirements or tastes. It can be quite difficult to eat healthily when in a restaurant or cafe, as menus often give you limited information about the ingredients in a meal. By working with partners across Europe- nutritionists, chefs and other universities- the team have developed an app that can show exactly what is in your meal. The app gives consumers all the data they need and encourages the food service industry to support healthier eating.





Wednesday 1st March 11:00-15:00 Share Lecture Theatre, Bournemouth University
Love Dorset Fairtrade Day Ethical and sustainable food consumption

Conference: Ethical and sustainable food consumption,Bournemouth University Department of Tourism and Hospitality Bournemouth University Fusion Building, Share Lecture Theatre


The event, which is being facilitated by the expertise and facilities of theBournemouth University Department of Tourism and Hospitality and the Students Union Bournemouth University is an exciting opportunity for you to have fun learning about Fairtrade food. It’s also a great way to meet like-minded people and to discover all there is to know about our high quality, local to Dorset food community! You’ll find out just how easy it is to incorporate local, sustainable ingredients into your daily routines.

Conference: Ethical and sustainable food consumption, Bournemouth University Fusion Building, Share Lecture Theatre

11:30 – 11.45 am – Welcomes and objectives of the day

Kelly Levell, We Do Ethical Consultant

Professor Dimitrios Buhalis Head of Department of Tourism and Hospitality Bournemouth University

Charlie Souter-Philips, SUBU Vice President Welfare

11:45 – 12.00 am – Dr Sean Beer Bournemouth University : PANEL HOST

Ethical and sustainable food consumption and Food Authenticity

12:00 – 12:15 am – Neil Smith, BU Sustainability

12:15 – 12:30 am – Sarah Ali Choudhury Indian Food Expert

12:30 – 12:45 am – Matthew (Matt) Budden, Executive Chef, Bournemouth Hilton Hotel

12:45 – 13:00 am – Damian Lee, Mr Lees Noodles

13:00 – 13:15 pm – Professor Chris Shiel, Bournemouth University

13:15 – 13.30pm – Concluding thoughts: Through your work, how do you think you can inspire other people to live more healthy and ethical lifestyles?

13.30 – 15:00 pm – Lunch (at delegates expense) and Pure Networking at Fusion Building

This is a free event but we have limited availability, RSVP now to secure your ticket.

14:Live presents- FoodSMART: Eat out smarter!

Have you ever considered what’s in your food when you’re eating out?14:Live presents- FoodSMART: Eat out smarter!
Have you ever considered what’s in your food when you’re eating out?
Bournemouth University Department of Tourism and Hospitality
Professor Heather Hartwell at 14:Live
Tuesday 28 February, at 14:00-15:00 Floor 5, SUBU Student Centre, Talbot CampusFoodSMART is an innovative technical ICT solution which uses QR coding on your smartphone to provide nutritional information and deliver personalised advice when eating out. This means that consumers can make an informed choice about what they’re eating. The app can even be tailored to your individual dietary requirements or tastes.Heather Hartwell

It can be quite difficult to eat healthily when in a restaurant or cafe, as menus often give you limited information about the ingredients in a meal. By working with partners across Europe- nutritionists, chefs and other universities- the team have developed an app that can show exactly what is in your meal. The app gives consumers all the data they need and encourages the food service industry to support healthier eating.

Come along to Floor 5, of the Student Centre, on Talbot Campus to hear from Dr Heather Hartwell as she speaks all about the project and even get a chance to test out the prototype.

If you have any questions, then please contact Hannah Jones

– See more at:

New Research : Serious games and the gamification of tourism


•A systematic review of the concept of gamification.
• Identified extrinsic and intrinsic motivational gaming elements that contribute to a meaningful gamification.
•Discussed the application of gamification in tourism with case practices.


Gamification has become a focus of attention in an increasing number of fields including business, education, and health care. Through a wide range of applications and support functions, its potential for the tourism industry is significant. Gamification of tourism can contribute to a more rewarding interactions and higher level of satisfaction, as well as increase brand awareness and loyalty to the destination. As one of the first attempts to conceptualize gamification of tourism, this paper examines gaming in general terms and the application of it in specific tourism fields. It identifies game design elements that can contribute to a meaningful gamification. A few cases of best practices are presented to show how this innovative concept can benefit tourism marketing. Implications for tourism marketing and management are discussed as well as future research recommendations.


  • Gamification;
  • Serious games;
  • Engagement;
  • Loyalty;
  • Tourism experiences

How to stop your lunch break damaging your health

Those of us who eat our lunch in a workplace canteen find it a lot more difficult to access the kind of information that leads to informed choices. And canteens can play a critical role in terms of healthy eating. They are a captive, sometimes subsidised, setting that is often used to provide the main meal of the day. In effect, many of us are eating out five times a week without really acknowledging it.

Do you go for the healthy option? Prostock-studio/Shutterstock




New Research : Wellness, tourism and small business development in a UK coastal resort: Public engagement in practice

Stephen J. Pagea, , Heather HartwellbNick JohnsbAlan FyallcAdele LadkinbAnn Hemingwayd 

2017 Case study: Wellness, tourism and small business development in a UK coastal resort: Public engagement in practice  Tourism Management Volume 60, June 2017, Pages 466–477


•Discusses tourism,well-being and public engagement.
•Examines value of well-being for tourism business and local community.
•Action research study located in Bournemouth, UK.


This article examines the scope of well-being as a focus for tourism and its potential as a tool for small business development, particularly the opportunities for tourism entrepreneurs in coastal resorts. The study reports an example of public engagement by a research team and the co-creation of research knowledge with businesses to assist in business development by adapting many existing features of tourist resorts and extending their offer to wider markets. The synergy between well-being and public health interests also brings potential benefits for the tourism workforce and the host community. The Case Study outlines how these ideas were tested in Bournemouth, a southern coastal resort in the UK, in a study ultimately intended to be adopted nationally and with more wide reaching implications for global development of the visitor economy. Local changes ascribed to the study are assessed and its wider potential is evaluated.


  • Well-being;
  • Wellness tourism;
  • Small business development;
  • Coastal tourism;
  • Public engagement

Join us at Bournemouth University Department of Tourism and Hospitality in the next few weeks – Free events !

Join us at Bournemouth University Department of Tourism and Hospitality in the next few weeks – Free events ! 



Tuesday 21st February 11:00-13:00 Cobham lecture theatre.Captain Scott Bateman MBE MCMI GCGI Cert Mgt British Airways Global Air Transportation Challenges, Opportunities and Trends

Wednesday 22 February 18.30 – 21.00 KG03, Talbot Campus of Bournemouth University Jim Stewart CEO Port of Poole: The Port of Poole : finding new opportunities.

Wed 1st March Love Dorset Fairtrade Day Ethical and sustainable food consumption

Monday 6 March 2017 1400-1600 Bournemouth University KG01 Callum Elliott British Airways operational developments and competition from Low Cost Carriers

Smart Tourism Workshop @eTourism Lab, Department of Tourism and Hospitality, Bournemouth University Wednesday 22 March 2017

Tuesday 11 July 2017 Smart Tourism and Agile Destination Management Dept of Tourism and Hospitality Bournemouth University Share Lecture Theatre, Talbot Campus 10:00-17:00

BU Tourism and Hospitality Conference Bournemouth University, 4-6th September 2017 Visitor Economy: Strategies and Innovations Register on

Will Brexit damage the UK’s tourism industry?

Will Brexit damage the UK’s tourism industry?

Derek Robbins contributes to the independent transport commission Winter Discussion Evening


Britain’s independent research charity for transport and land use policy


ITC Winter Discussion Evening

Tuesday 21st February 2017


What will be the impacts of rising levels of tourism on UK transport?


18:15 – 18:40              Registration and welcome drinks

18:40 – 18:45              Welcome and Introduction:

Dr Matthew Niblett, Director, Independent Transport Commission

Chair: Kris Beuret OBE, Director, Social Research Associates

18:45 – 19:20              Guest panel presentations:

Derek Robbins, Senior Lecturer, University of Bournemouth

Jay Parmar, Director of Policy, BVRLA

Sally Balcombe, Chief Executive, VisitBritain

19:20 – 20:05             Open discussion with audience

20:05 – 20:15              Closing Remarks:

Expert Panel and Kris Beuret OBE

20:15                           Light Supper and drinks served

Please stay for informal networking

21.00                           Close


FREE Events in Bournemouth University Tourism and Hospitality Department next week – focus on Transportation

FREE Events in Bournemouth University Tourism and Hospitality Department next week – focus on Transportation – 

take advantage of great speakers and inform students and colleagues 

Hashtags #BUTourismHotel @BUTourismHotel


Tuesday 21st February 11:00-13:00 Cobham lecture theatre.
Captain Scott Bateman MBE MCMI GCGI Cert Mgt British Airways
Global Air Transportation Challenges, Opportunities and Trends

Great opportunity to learn from a great aviator. Captain Scott Bateman is a British Airways Boeing 474-400 pilot flying long haul and Founder and CEO of 9-Line Aviation. He is a highly experienced and capable senior manager, aviator, and motivator whom is capable of evaluating risks and making measured critical decisions under the most difficult of conditions. Demonstrating a pragmatic approach to problems and possessing the ability to communicate effectively at all levels with ease and confidence. Committed and tenacious, delivering tangible results with passion, humour and empathy. Scott has broad managerial experience across the military and commercial aviation sectors combined with considerable experience in the public and private healthcare sectors. This unique combination brings a kaleidoscope of tangible skills ensuring success on complex projects. Captain Bateman, received his MBE as the founder of the First Response charity, which provides volunteers to be trained by the ambulance service to respond to medical emergencies in their own community after 19 years of RAF service.


Wednesday 22 February 2017  Time: 18:45 – 21:00
Chartered Institute of Transport: The Port of Poole-Finding New Opportunities
Venue: KG03, Talbot Campus of Bournemouth University, Wallisdown Road, Poole,  BH12 5BB
No need to book – just come along and there will also be a light buffet served after the presentation.

A reminder that the next meeting of the Chartered Institute of Transport is at Bournemouth University at 18.45 on Wednesday  22 February. We are delighted to be joined by Jim Stewart CEO of Poole Harbour Commissioners, who has taken time out of his busy schedule to address the Institute.

Staff and students are most welcome to attend. The Port has invested heavily in developing now opportunities including dredging and new Quays to enable the port to handle larger ships.  Attracting  larger and more cruise ship visits and developing the Ferry services from the port are both important components of the strategy – so there will be a tourism component in this presentation.

The meeting is taking place in KG 03 and staff and students are most welcome – indeed encouraged to attend.

Please feel free to forward this invitation to any students you feel would benefit from attending

No need to book – just come along and there will also be a light buffet served after the presentation.