Bournemouth University Disaster Management Centre undertakes vital research

Bournemouth University Disaster Management Centre (BUDMC) provides world class training and technical assistance in disaster management to help reduce risks, build resilience and ensure rapid and sustainable recovery when disaster strikes.

The BUDMC operates globally providing services to government ministries, industry, international agencies, emergency services, the military and non-governmental organisations.

Bournemouth University’s International Centre for Tourism and Hospitality Research (ICTHR) and BUDMC have been selected to undertake vital research into global disaster management for the United Nations World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO). This firmly places BUDMC at the centre stage of disaster management within the field of tourism.

Disaster Management is rapidly becoming a central feature of the 21st Century world in which we live and BUDMC has global experience in the field of delivering disaster management training and developing disaster management strategies. This expertise is combined with the international experience and reputation of ICTHR in the realm of tourism impacts and planning to place the School of Tourism firmly in the cutting edge.

Bournemouth University Disaster Management Centre offers a range of intensive and highly interactive courses which are designed for the specific needs of tourism professionals and the tourism industry to meet the ever-increasing challenges of Disaster Management. They are delivered through a combination of lectures, practical exercises, discussion sessions and case studies.

All courses focus on the theory and practical applications of Disaster Management planning and cover natural disasters, human made disasters and complex emergencies. They provide a timely opportunity for tourism professionals to develop their understanding and strategies for integrating their organisation’s plans and structures with those of the host country’s government agencies and emergency services.

Watch a short video by Richard Gordon MBE, Director BUDMC on the objectives of these courses.

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