Education, eEducation and eLearning one of the topics discussed at the
BU Tourism and Hospitality Conference Bournemouth University,
4-6th September 2017 Visitor Economy: Strategies and Innovations
Track chair: Daisy Fan Bournemouth University and Hanqin Zhang Qiu, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Constant Internet developments and heavy usage of social media such as Facebook, Twitter, and WeChat have shifted the traditional teaching and learning from a physical learning world to an e-learning environment. Since 2008, Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) emerged to provide electronic access to eLearning courses globally. From the original MOOC and a couple of thousand students in 2008 (Klobas, Macintosh, & Murphy, 2014), by the end of 2016 over 58 million learners had signed up for MOOCs and over 700 universities offered 6,850 MOOCs.
In recent years, MOOCs have evolved and grown exponentially as an education alternative and innovative method of online learning. Leading universities in the world have been developing MOOCs for both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. As a result of MOOCs’ development, students from all over the world can take courses offered by leading universities at any time and at their own pace without coming to the classroom. All these developments have revolutionary implications for the university admission policy, student development strategies, staff and resource reallocation, and ongoing quality assurance.
Facing this educational evolution, the conference also provides an e-education track, welcoming abstracts related to, but not limited to, the following topics:
- Tourism and hospitality global trends and challenges
- The tourism and hospitality education global scene
- Online education and learning
- Opportunities and challenges of online education
- The development of MOOCs and the implications to higher education
- Quality assurance of online learning
- Sustainability of MOOCs
- Bridging the gap between academics and practitioners through MOOCs
- Converting MOOCs into credit-bearing courses.
Call for papers
- Deadline for abstract submission: 30 June 2017
- Confirmation of acceptance: 30 June 2017
- Last date for early bird registration: 14 July 2017
- Deadline for registration: 18 Aug 2017
Please submit email abstracts to: