Derek Robbins contributes to the independent transport commission Winter Discussion Evening


Britain’s independent research charity for transport and land use policy


ITC Winter Discussion Evening

Tuesday 21st February 2017


What will be the impacts of rising levels of tourism on UK transport?


18:15 – 18:40              Registration and welcome drinks

18:40 – 18:45              Welcome and Introduction:

Dr Matthew Niblett, Director, Independent Transport Commission

Chair: Kris Beuret OBE, Director, Social Research Associates

18:45 – 19:20              Guest panel presentations:

Derek Robbins, Senior Lecturer, University of Bournemouth

Jay Parmar, Director of Policy, BVRLA

Sally Balcombe, Chief Executive, VisitBritain

19:20 – 20:05             Open discussion with audience

20:05 – 20:15              Closing Remarks:

Expert Panel and Kris Beuret OBE

20:15                           Light Supper and drinks served

Please stay for informal networking

21.00                           Close


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