Dont miss Careers Advise events

Our Careers Advisers Lynne & Alison organise for you a range of events – please take advantage


International Opportunities Festival

The Festival gives you the chance to explore the range of study and work abroad and other international experience opportunities available at Bournemouth University. Part of the Global Talent Programme, it will offer an overview of international activities, funding and services available on campus.

Wed 26 Oct 2016 – 12.00 PM

Share Lecture Theatre, Fusion Building, Bournemouth University

Graduate and Placements Fair 2016

Annual event! Come along and meet up to 70 organisations across two days offering Placements, Graduate Job Opportunities, CV help and advice – NOT TO BE MISSED!

Wed 26 Oct, 11:00 AM – Thu 27 Oct, 3:00 PM

Kimmeridge House, Talbot Campus

ICAEW Commercial Awareness workshop

This session will discuss your current commercial awareness and how you can develop this further. By the end of the session you will be able to: Understand what being commercially aware means How you can demonstrate this throughout the recruitment process Where to find further resources

Wed 2 Nov 2016, 10:30 AM – 1:00 PM

F109, Fusion Building, Talbot Campus

Meet the Entrepreneur event

Paul Tansey, Founder & MD of Intergage discusses his B2B Marketing Agency which is all about helping entrepreneurs to make their dreams come true.

Fri 25 Nov 2016, 1:30 PM – 3:00 PM

KG03, Kimmeridge Lecture Theatre, Talbot Campus


Alison Armstrong

Careers Adviser


Careers and Employability Service | Student Services | Bournemouth University

DL113a, Sir Michael Cobham Library, Talbot Campus, Fern Barrow, Poole, BH12 5BB


Tel: +44 (0)1202 961662 | Email:

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