Digital Competence Project

The eTourismLab is really pleases to launching the digital competence benchmarking project

with British Hospitality Association,, Bournemouth Accommodation and Hotel Association (BAHA)

Bournemouth_University_logo.svgBHA-Logo-full-colour Tripadvisor-Logo-nw1BAHA cmyk - strapline

The pilot project will engage postgraduate students, Professor Dimitrios Buhalis and Dr Philip Alford from Bournemouth University, with BHA, BAHA and Tripadvisor to work with local hotel companies in Bournemouth to benchmark their digital competence in four particular areas, namely :

  • Online presentation – Web 1.0 proposition
  • Distribution Mix and Strategy
  • Social Media Strategy and engagement – Web 2.0 Engagement
  • Reputation Management
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