On Everest, climbers pay to take risks while Sherpas take risks to get paid

Yeganeh Morakabati, Senior Lecturer at School of Tourism and John Fletcher, PVC Research and Innovation at Bournemouth University have written an article about the thrill-seeking tourists and risky business for Sherpas on Mount Everest.

“Climbing season on Mount Everest was due to enter its busiest time of year: the May “weather window”. But all has come to a halt on the world’s highest mountain following the worst-ever accident – an avalanche that took the lives of 16 Sherpas. The tragedy highlights how the difference between the wealth of the climbers, who pay to take the risks, and the Sherpas, who risk to earn their pay, is as yawning as the chasms in the region.” (The Conversation)

For the full article please see https://theconversation.com/on-everest-climbers-pay-to-take-risks-while-sherpas-take-risks-to-get-paid-25951


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