School of Tourism Highlights at next week’s Festival of Learning

Next week, Bournemouth University will be hosting the Festival of Learning across its different campus’.

Over the two weeks the Festival is on, there will be over 100 events to choose from. Many of the events are free and are delivered by BU staff keen to share their enthusiasm and experience with you.

Highlights offered from the School of Tourism include:

Don’t eat poo and die, eat poo and live: An investigation into the things that we eat and the things that we don’t

Designing the Ideal Menu

A Family Kitchen Safari Event

Social Media for the Terrified

eTourism Innovations in the Digital Era

This is only a small glimpse of the variety of the events held during the festival! To view the full programme please see here

With so much on offer, this is one Festival not to miss this summer.

For more information on the festival and to book any events please see here


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