The third Digital Destinations seminars took place last week at the EBC. The seminars started with a discussion on key concepts including: do businesses have an eVision for digital marketing? How do they perceive the benefits (and costs) of digital marketing? What is the role of their technical partner? How does digital marketing enable a more effective customer focus? How important is it to have a formal digital marketing plan?
The question of how you effectively measure your digital marketing was a strong theme across the 6 clusters in the project.
This was followed by a ‘show and tell’ from each of the businesses present reflecting back on the start of their journey in November 2013, the learning and the next steps.
Finally Maureen McAllister, who was facilitating the seminar, showed potential templates that businesses in the project could use for their case study.
The aim of the yearlong project for the 60 businesses signed up is to capture change in the adoption and use of digital technologies and to develop a strong, competitive local tourism economy.
Each business that signed up to the project is assigned a final year E-Marketing student who throughout the year has been helping them come up with an online marketing strategy.
For more information on the Digital Destinations project please visit http://www.budigitalhub.com/