Taken from http://www.fmigroup.co.uk/2012/10/girl-power-four-young-graduates-join-fmi-2/

FMI’s successful internship programme has triggered the careers of four women under 25.
Embracing fresh ideas and understanding emerging technologies are essential to advising our clients well. At FMI our successful internship programme ensures we keep on trend with the latest web and social media movements by bringing the best fresh, young talent on board. “Working in the events and marketing arenas, it’s essential that we are ahead of the game,” says MD John Fisher. “Young graduates bring the latest approaches with them. This helps us drive our clients’ work through new, dynamic channels while keeping a firm eye on the bottom line.”
Over the past two years FMI seems to have followed a female-trend in this arena. “It hasn’t been intentional,” promises Fisher, “Just the way the CVs have fallen, and we are very impressed by our four new women under 25, all of whom are proving great contributors to the wider FMI team.”
Bev Fraser first came to FMI as an intern from her Events Management degree at Bournemouth University. She ended up running her own programmes, including trips to Marrakesh and working on a complex roadshow for LV. “My internship definitely contributed to me getting a first,” she says, “and I was thrilled to be asked to return as a permanent event executive this September.”
Korean-American student Jessica Lee had just completed her Masters in Linguistics at Oxford University when her CV hit Fisher’s desk. “We jumped at the chance to hire Jessica,” says Fisher. “With LG Mobile Europe as a key account, her fluent Korean has impressed our clients from Seoul. She also brings exceptional digital and research skills to our communications team.” Jessica has recently been promoted to an account manager role and, like FMI’s other new recruits, she is definitely a child of the digital age. “It’s true, my brain can switch pretty easily between facebook, PowerPoint, twitter and The Financial Times,” she laughs. “FMI has a unique creative process that places an emphasis on engagement from beginning to end. I love how all our projects start as a collaboration by bringing our own background and knowledge to bear from the onset of an idea in order to arrive at innovative and engaging solutions. Our team is fantastic, and because everyone is so friendly and willing to listen to and incorporate your ideas, I find myself quickly learning—and constantly learning—about brand strategy, digital solutions, web-programming and events, all through a fun, social environment”
“Fran Gilman found us through social media,” Fisher continues. “And that really says it all. An avid communicator with a passion for all things digital, her summer placement from The University for the Creative Arts, Farnham has since turned into a part-time permanent role.” Still studying from a degree in Advertising and Brand Communications, Fran supports FMI’s digital campaigns, bringing technical flair and social media expertise into the mix. Both in and out of the workplace Fran says, “I’m like a sponge – soaking up information and knowledge at every opportunity.”
With three young women now settling into their new careers at FMI, a new intern has already been hired for 2012-13. Following in Bev Fraser’s footsteps, Lauren Moulsley will be with FMI until next summer. “Working for FMI has already taught me so much about the events industry,” she says. “I am given a lot of responsibility and am able to get involved with all stages of the event planning and execution process. I’ll be returning to Bournemouth University with an even bigger love for events, teamed with the knowledge and experience to become a good event manager.”
Judging by the experience of her predecessors, Lauren may well find her sojourn back to college is only short-lived. We’re proud that at FMI an internship often leads to that step on the career ladder that, in this economic climate, most students are struggling to find.
For more information about applying for an internship at FMI, visit email info@fmigroup.co.uk