Professors Dimitrios Buhalis and Roman Egger were invited to contribute at their 2nd HHE Hoteliers’ Meeting from 7th to 9th October 2012 in Ireland

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Professors Dimitrios Buhalis and Roman Egger were invited to contribute at their 2nd HHE Hoteliers’ Meeting from 7th to 9th October 2012 in Ireland

Very glad to work with Historic Hotels of Europe explaining how to create experiences, manage social media, develop cocreation opportunities and start using augmenting reality for tourism and hotel marketing. 
The Historic Hotels of Europe association started with eight founding member organisations, and has grown up in its ten years of existence. It now numbers 19 hotel groups as its member organisations. With 650 properties, HHE is without doubt one of the largest hotel organisations in Europe. The immediate priority is to increase the growth of the HHE, especially through more partnerships in the new EU member states. The hosts of Historic Hotels of Europe consider themselves as custodians of historic cultural assets. They provide a precious contribution to quality tourism through their efforts in maintaining the originality of their properties.

Historic Hotels of Europe was created with the objective of promoting global awareness for the 19 finest historic hotels associations through a co-operative marketing strategy. The hotels in the association represent their countries’ national cultural traditions, historic heritage and architecture. Every property within the Historic Hotels has its own distinctive style and character, and guests will be sure to enjoy a variety of experiences when travelling from country to country and staying at our member hotels.

Professors Dimitrios Buhalis and Roman Egger were invited to do a key note presentation on how these wonderful hotels can take advantage of social media, manage tripadvisor and online reputation, develop cocreation and use augmented reality for their strategic marketing. The group interacted with the professors and a number of initiatives are being planned for the future.

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