Money Saving Tips

By Michelle Lillywhite 2nd year BU Student, BA (Hons) Social Work Ok! So you have limited funds but a whole term’s worth of fun ahead of you. How do you make sure you get to the safety of the next finance payment? Hopefully the tips ahead will keep you ahead of the crowd! Going out… Read more » about Money Saving Tips

Dragons’ Den experience at School of Tourism

The Innovation unit this year involved working with nine local organisations across the Events Management and Events & Leisure Marketing programmes. This year the organisations included: The Print Room, Aruba, Bournemouth International Conference Centre, The Langtry Manor Hotel, Haskins Garden Centre, The Captains Club, The Green House Hotel, Chapel Gate and QE Leisure Centre.  The… Read more » about Dragons’ Den experience at School of Tourism

Final year Retail Management students reveal their plans for rejuvenating Poole

Real life consultancy projects for final year students provide a fantastic opportunity to showcase their ideas, and this year an opportunity emerged a little closer to home. The Dolphin Shopping Centre in Poole has been a major talking point in recent years. Consumers feel that Poole (as a destination) is let down by its shopping… Read more » about Final year Retail Management students reveal their plans for rejuvenating Poole

BU graduate ‘scores’ publishing deal with football book

A Bournemouth University graduate has found success with the publication of a new book for budding football professionals. Dean Caslake, an Accounting and Finance graduate, wrote ‘The Footballer’s Journey’ alongside current professional footballer Guy Branston to offer practical tips on becoming a professional footballer.‘The Footballer’s Journey’ is aimed at young footballers, parents, amateur coaches and… Read more » about BU graduate ‘scores’ publishing deal with football book

Applying for finance

By Michelle Lillywhite 2nd year BU Student, BA (Hons) Social Work Now that UCAS has been completed you need to think about student finance and making your application. The great thing about this is that you can get your finance agreed before you have accepted a place to study so you can get yourself organised… Read more » about Applying for finance

Better Late than never?

Did you decide today that you want to go to uni only to find the deadline has passed? That’s ok, you can still go. And the choice is either to wait until next year (putting the deadlines in your diary now) or see what is available to late applicants. Deadline doesn’t mean dead-end.

The Journey…

“What is Uni like?!” you cry. “How much time do you have?!” we reply.  It’s a journey and no two journeys are the same but we can give you a rough idea of what to expect. Study-wise there’ll be concepts you grasp straight away followed by theories you just can’t get your head around. There’ll… Read more » about The Journey…

Why Choose BU?

By Patricia Obawole 2nd year BU Student, LLB (Hons) Law UNI! UNI! UNI! By now you probably have the word uni spilling out of your ears along with words like “Personal statements,” “UCAS” and “student finance.” However, for some odd, strange reason (which the student population are yet to figure out) you’re still excited. You’re… Read more » about Why Choose BU?