I know the information around fees and funding your degree can be confusing! So, in this vlog, I explain the financial support available at BU for undergraduate students, as well as the Student Finance England process. I hope it helps 🙂

I know the information around fees and funding your degree can be confusing! So, in this vlog, I explain the financial support available at BU for undergraduate students, as well as the Student Finance England process. I hope it helps 🙂
I know the information around fees and funding your degree can be confusing! So, in this vlog, I explain the financial support available at BU for postgraduate students, as well as the Student Finance England process. I hope it helps 🙂
The first stage of applying for student finance is to set up an online account. You can do this through Student Finance England (for students from England). It’s best to apply for your finance when applications open, or as early as you can (for most academic years this is from March). However, you can still… Read more » about Understanding Student Finance
I received the BU Maintenance Loan in my first year of uni. I didn’t have to apply to the university, to be considered you just have to tick the box that says you’re happy for student finance to share your information with the university. For 2021 entry, if your parents earn less than £16,000 a… Read more » about How the BU Maintenance Bursary helped me
One thing most students worry about before coming to university is money. But, don’t worry, you won’t have to live off Pot Noodles because that is all you can afford. That is a myth. You can eat well and do all the things you want to. The trick is budgeting. Some people do end up… Read more » about How I manage my student finance
This is a guest blog, by current student Lucy Biggs who is studying BSc (Hons) Mental Health Nursing. For as long as I can remember I knew I wanted to do a job that involved helping people and caring for them. As I matured and I found out more about mental health I couldn’t think… Read more » about Funding my degree as a Health and Social Sciences student by working too
I’m guessing most of you have heard about a little thing called Student Finance England? For those of you who haven’t it’s basically the government lending moneys to pay for aspects of your university life, including tuition fees, maintenance costs  and, if you qualify  maybe even a grant (all depending on your household income). So… Read more » about Finances… I’m not really sure what I need to know !?!
Choosing the right student bank account is important when coming to university, and there are lots of banks with lots of good offers out there to choose from! When I started university in 2014 I looked around several banks before choosing my account. Most banks will offer special perks or free gifts to get you… Read more » about Student bank accounts
It seems nowadays student loans and fees have become a taboo subject. With figures and interest rates being thrown about it can seem daunting to apply for loans, which for many is the first time they have ever needed to apply for financial aid. But there really isn’t much to worry about; there are numerous… Read more » about What can you get for the price of a phone contract?