a college of printed polaroid pictures

Saying yes to study abroad opportunities at university

At the beginning of 2023, I made a resolution that would change the course of my year: saying “yes” more often. The simple commitment I made to myself wasn’t just about trying different things or exploring new places, it was a promise to myself that I would try to leave my comfort zone, meet new… Read more » about Saying yes to study abroad opportunities at university

Kristian smiles at the camera, he's sitting in front of a large window

How the Business School’s Employability Programme helped me in interviews

Kristian studied Business & Management with Project & Operations Management at BU, and maximised the learning opportunities on offer within the Business School during his studies. He attended many of the Business School Employability Programme sessions and shares in his vlog how it helped him at interviews when finding a graduate position.  

Why I chose Bournemouth University and my course

It was a long journey for me to choose what I want to study at university. Since a young age, I’ve always been a unique blend of creativity and analytical thinking. I found myself naturally drawn to the world of marketing and communication, where the two worlds collide. After I reviewed my options, it became… Read more » about Why I chose Bournemouth University and my course

Emily looking through a sign which says Our doors are open

Where am I now, seven years after graduation?

This is a guest blog written by Emily Wells-Burr, a BA (Hons) Public Relations graduate from BU. Emily describes her path to her current position as European Corporate Communications Manager at Enterprise Holdings since graduating in 2016. I was the first person in my family to go to university. Never before had I moved away… Read more » about Where am I now, seven years after graduation?

Student Manya

My take on the role of the Advertising industry in the Climate Crisis

This is a guest blog post written by MA Advertising student Manya Deora. I recently attended a panel discussion hosted by the Media and Communications department at Bournemouth University. The topics presented were discussing the advertising, marketing, and communications industries and if or how they are consciously or unconsciously fostering a culture of consumerism on… Read more » about My take on the role of the Advertising industry in the Climate Crisis

Student Sarah Clark's vision board

Why I loved EDfest, the Business School’s Experience & Development festival

This is a guest blog by BU student Sarah Clark about her experience of attending the Business School’s annual Experience & Development festival – EDfest.  As my intuition grows, I’m increasingly getting drawn to attend certain events or talks – but little did I know just what an enormous impact EDfest would have on helping… Read more » about Why I loved EDfest, the Business School’s Experience & Development festival

When Godzilla attacked, the PR students stepped up

Guest article by Fern Merritt, BA (Hons) Marketing Communications with PR student, highlights the collaboration between Arts University Bournemouth students and Bournemouth University’s BSc (Hons) Paramedic Science students. The BU simulation for undergraduate Paramedic Science students was the highlight of the year for the PR students that got to be involved! During the action, we… Read more » about When Godzilla attacked, the PR students stepped up

My experience completing a study exchange during the Covid-19 pandemic

BSc (Hons) Marketing student Curtis Howkins completed a study exchange semester at EDHEC Business School in Lille, France during the 2020-21 academic year. He shares his experience of living abroad during the Covid-19 pandemic. “University life has brought its challenges, but an exchange programme in another country with very little ability in regard to the… Read more » about My experience completing a study exchange during the Covid-19 pandemic

How the support of my Faculty Learning Development team has helped me to best perform in my academic work

Before starting my master’s programme at BU, I used to work in the industry for three years. At the beginning of my journey at BU, I used to worry that the academic gap and difference in teaching methods would make my study in the UK more challenging. Little did I know that with the great… Read more » about How the support of my Faculty Learning Development team has helped me to best perform in my academic work

My study exchange experience in Lille, France

BSc (Hons) Marketing student Iulia Iordanescu completed a study exchange semester at EDHEC Business School in Lille, France during the 2020-2021 academic year. She shares her experience of studying in France during the Covid-19 pandemic. “The French educational system is very different from ours. After French high school students take their Baccalaureate and have two… Read more » about My study exchange experience in Lille, France