Tips for Easy Travelling

Hi guys! I’m Malvika Shahi and I’m doing my Masters in Creative Writing and Publishing at Bournemouth University. Travelling around the UK on a budget is quite easy, you can read all about it on our blog about Exploring the UK on a budget. So, now that you’ve booked your tickets and are ready to… Read more » about Tips for Easy Travelling

Why You Should Study Creative Writing

Have you ever wanted to be a writer, journalist or work for a publisher, then the MA Creative Writing and Publishing course is the best fit for you! Even if you do not think of yourself as a writer, if you are unsure of how to choose your course then this article might give you… Read more » about Why You Should Study Creative Writing


How A Scholarship Kickstarted My Uni Life

Financing your studies is probably one of the biggest worries I had when I was thinking about choosing a university. Will I be able to afford my course? What about my rent? Will I have something left for nights out? These questions haunted my mind when I got my offer to study here, at Bournemouth… Read more » about How A Scholarship Kickstarted My Uni Life

Postgrad Life! Living in Dorchester House

Moving to Bournemouth Coming from Dublin, the capital of Ireland, and having gone to university in the city centre, I stayed living at home for all four years of my undergraduate degree, so I didn’t have the same sort of experience as moving into halls. When I chose to come to Bournemouth University and started… Read more » about Postgrad Life! Living in Dorchester House

My First Solo Trip To Oxford Via SUBU

When you study in the UK, visiting the historic town of Oxford is a must. Oxford is not just about the university, there is loads of amazing stuff you can do in this quiet little town which has history, modern and fictional worlds all mixed in. On my 26th birthday, I seized the opportunity to… Read more » about My First Solo Trip To Oxford Via SUBU

Experiencing Holi After 20 Years Outside India

What Is Holi? Holi is the festival of colours in the season of spring back in India. This is celebrated with family and friends by applying colours to each other. In some parts of the country, it is more than just a celebration, it is the time for bonding with our near and dear ones…. Read more » about Experiencing Holi After 20 Years Outside India

My scholarship story: Changing my life

  Hi guys! I’m Malvika Shahi and I’m doing my Masters in Creative Writing and Publishing at Bournemouth University. Studying abroad is a great opportunity for every student but the financial expenses can seem a bit daunting. Luckily, Bournemouth University awards loads of financial aid in the form of scholarships and discounts for students. For… Read more » about My scholarship story: Changing my life

Making the most of a January start

Are you thinking about postgraduate study in 2020? Why not start this month –  Bournemouth University has a wide range of  Master’s degrees available. Bournemouth is my hometown – I was born and raised here – so for me, it was a no-brainer to do my masters at BU as I have lived here my… Read more » about Making the most of a January start

An English Christmas for an Indian Girl

Before moving to Bournemouth, my idea of Christmas was based on movies and books. Indian Christmas is different- a week of holidays, adorable little stars hanging outside every home, and giant Christmas trees in shopping malls. The world in my books and films and the world around me were so far apart, I could have… Read more » about An English Christmas for an Indian Girl

5 ways to celebrate the festive season on a student budget

Christmas is fast approaching, and as well as December deadlines and January exams, trying to budget over the festive season can be very difficult. But fear not – there are definitely ways to celebrate the holidays on a student budget! Each year my housemates and I find new and exciting activities that require minimum spending…… Read more » about 5 ways to celebrate the festive season on a student budget