Chesil House bedroom

Accommodation options for Postgraduate students

If you are coming to Bournemouth University as a postgraduate student there are lots of accommodation options available. Whether it’s halls of residence or a student house, here is your guide to postgraduate accommodation in Bournemouth, from a current Masters student.   Halls of Residence: If you’re looking for an ensuite room, with bills included… Read more » about Accommodation options for Postgraduate students

It’s Assessment Centre and Interview Season: Here’s How To Succeed

Right about now, you may have received a few invitations to an interview or an assessment centre. This was something I had never even heard of before I started searching for placements, and if that’s you too, then you may feel as though you are about to be pushed into the deep end of the… Read more » about It’s Assessment Centre and Interview Season: Here’s How To Succeed

Photo showing someone studying with work on a laptop screen and a cup of tea.

Work, study, success: 5 easy tips for balancing part-time work and your studies to avoid burnout.

University life is an exciting journey filled with new experiences, friendships, and challenges. Many students take on part-time work to help cover tuition, supplement income, or gain valuable experience. However, balancing work and university can be overwhelming without proper planning, so here are my top 5 tips to finding a balance. Before we get into… Read more » about Work, study, success: 5 easy tips for balancing part-time work and your studies to avoid burnout.

Moving to Bournemouth: Tips for a Smooth Transition to Life in the UK

How exciting is it to move to a new country? It’s almost like starting life all over again 😀 Even though it sounds thrilling, it can also be a bit challenging. Here are five tips to help you settle into your new home as an international student in Bournemouth. Taste of Home It’s known that… Read more » about Moving to Bournemouth: Tips for a Smooth Transition to Life in the UK

Balancing Academics and Social Life

University life is all about balance: meeting deadlines while making memories. It’s not always easy to juggle lectures, projects, and a social events, but it is possible, and dare I say, enjoyable! Here’s how I’ve found my rhythm ✨ Find Your Study Groove For me, the best way to stay productive and connected is by… Read more » about Balancing Academics and Social Life

Part-time jobs as an International Student at BU

Join Sophia, an American student, as she shares her unique experience of balancing life as a full-time student at Bournemouth University while working a part-time job in Bournemouth. Discover her tips, challenges, and the daily routine that helps her manage both academic and work commitments. Don’t miss out on her insights and advice for fellow… Read more » about Part-time jobs as an International Student at BU

Juggling student life: managing social life and studying

University life can often find you juggling a lot at once, but there are ways around this to avoid burnout. With balancing lectures, assignments, part-time work and a social life, this can soon be overwhelming. It is important that you stay on top of your studies, and this is manageable if you become organised. Using… Read more » about Juggling student life: managing social life and studying


Beyond Your Degree – what can I do aside from my degree during my time at BU?

Hi, my name is Li and I’m a second year Software Engineering student. I’ve not been at BU long but I’ve already done quite a few things both for the university and for myself. In this blog, I want to showcase things you can get involved with beyond your degree while you study here.  … Read more » about Beyond Your Degree – what can I do aside from my degree during my time at BU?

A photo of the SUBU building on arrivals week.

Things to consider when choosing which University to go to

Deciding what University to go to can be tough, it’s such a big decision and there are so many things to think about! In this blog I will explain how I made my decision and the things I did to make the process easier. My top tips: Do your research – It is so important… Read more » about Things to consider when choosing which University to go to

A Magical Winter Adventure: Bournemouth’s Christmas Market & Festivities

As Christmas approaches, Student Ambassador Sophia headed into Bournemouth to see what the town centre had to offer to help you get into the festive spirit!  As the air turns crisp and the possibility of snow dances in the forecast, it’s time to embrace the festive season in all its glory. Gather your friends or… Read more » about A Magical Winter Adventure: Bournemouth’s Christmas Market & Festivities