Gina’s journey to Forensic Toxicology (Part Two)

Abingdon Health Ltd – Birmingham Research Park, University of Birmingham I was gratified studying within toxicology and my thesis-topic fitted with my desire to analyse biologically natural toxins, giving me the opportunity to spend two weeks working in a functioning Research & Development laboratory with a commercial company (Abingdon Health Ltd).   Arriving at the… Read more » about Gina’s journey to Forensic Toxicology (Part Two)

Gina’s journey to Forensic Toxicology (Part One)

From childhood I’ve dreamed of one thing, working with venomous animal species. My fascination stemmed from my obsession with naturalist Steve Irwin. I remember waiting eagerly for Irwin’s shows and taking in my beloved VHS recorded ‘Crocodile Hunter’ and ‘Venomous Snakes of…’ to my nursery class, convinced everyone had the same passion as me; in… Read more » about Gina’s journey to Forensic Toxicology (Part One)

Best Apps for Student Life

From health & fitness to cooking, from studying to entertainment, there’s an app for every aspect of student life. With hundreds to choose from, it’s easier than ever to use technology to enhance your student experience. Here’s a handful of my favourite apps for university life… iBU This is a useful Bournemouth University specific app…. Read more » about Best Apps for Student Life

Michal’s journey to BU

We’ve been asking our arriving students to share their journey to BU through blogs, vlogs and photos. Michal Koziatek’s joining us from Poland on MA Digital Effects. Watch his journey below… “When I learned about BU and the MA Digital Effects course, I knew right away – this is it, this is for me!”