Will stands in a lift taking a selfie into the lift mirror

My Placement Year as a Production Management Intern at The Walt Disney Company

Ya Ha!! or Oh Boy!! Two classic quotes from Mickey Mouse!! Come to work with me as a Production Management Intern at The Walt Disney Company! My day will start at 7am at the ring of my alarm! Now, while it might be tempting to hit that snooze button. No! I got to get to… Read more » about My Placement Year as a Production Management Intern at The Walt Disney Company

Eduard and a group of friends at a restaurant take a group photo at the table

Volunteering in South Africa as part of the Turing Scheme study abroad placement

This is a guest blog by Eduard, a Romanian, UK resident studying Geography at Bournemouth University. Eduard shares their experience of the Turing Scheme. I chose to study geography because I have always been interested in how humans interact with nature and how different cultures and beliefs interact with each other. As my university life… Read more » about Volunteering in South Africa as part of the Turing Scheme study abroad placement

Chizuru Tanaka standing with 3 colleagues

How I used the Turing Scheme for my MBA project

Hello everyone! My name is Chizuru Tanaka and I am delighted to introduce you to my Turing Scheme experience. First of all, I would like to introduce my background. I have been working for a Japanese bank and am taking advantage of my company’s sabbatical leave system to study an MBA course here at Bournemouth… Read more » about How I used the Turing Scheme for my MBA project

How the Turing Scheme helped me travel 11,564 miles away from home, to New Zealand!

My name is Alexandra Southgate, and I am a Business & Management student at Bournemouth University. I have recently come back from my placement and I was lucky enough to complete 11,564 miles away from home, in New Zealand! For as long as I can remember, I have had a desire to travel and work… Read more » about How the Turing Scheme helped me travel 11,564 miles away from home, to New Zealand!

Zoey smiles for a selfie wearing a denim jacket, her red hair is curled, she's located at Bournemouth beach - the sea is in the background.

Zoey’s Experience Interning with The Tandem Collective

This is a guest blog post written by MA English & Literary Media student, Zoey. The opportunity to intern with The Tandem Collective, a global digital marketing agency operating in the publishing arena, came about halfway through the spring semester when a representative from Tandem attended as a guest speaker. Following the presentation, Tandem offered… Read more » about Zoey’s Experience Interning with The Tandem Collective

Molly Griffiths is wearing her skills uniform and PPE

My Physiotherapy student experience

This is a guest blog by Molly Griffiths, a final year BSc (Hons) Physiotherapy student who has shared her journey about the course and her placements. My physiotherapy student experience began during Covid-19 in 2020. Whilst there were lots of apprehensions, Bournemouth did not fail to provide an amazing first year of university. We began… Read more » about My Physiotherapy student experience

Mollie’s placement experience as a Product Design student

This is a guest blog by Mollie Douglas, who is currently in her placement year with JCB. Mollie is studying BSc (Hons) Product Design at BU and will be starting her final year in September. I can 100% recommend doing a placement year, it’s such a valuable experience and the things I’ve learned and been… Read more » about Mollie’s placement experience as a Product Design student

Kylie is smiling at the camera inside a car

My journey into nursing at BU’s Yeovil Campus

This is a guest blog by Kylie Baker, BSc (Hons) Adult Nursing student at Bournemouth University’s Yeovil Campus. My nursing journey started at 39 years old, having been a lawyer and then working in pastoral care. I am also a gymnastics coach, having coached regionally for the Southwest. Funnily enough, all these areas have given… Read more » about My journey into nursing at BU’s Yeovil Campus

3 female occupational therapy students are conducting a balance exercise with one sat holding a hoop in their hand.

Why I chose to study Occupational Therapy

This is a guest blog by Gabriella Maraschin, BSc (Hons) Occupational Therapy student at Bournemouth University. During the course, I really enjoyed having external Occupational Therapists (OTs) come in and talk about their specific topic or specialty. Another highlight was external workshops which involved organisations coming in every so often to give practical skills sessions… Read more » about Why I chose to study Occupational Therapy

How to make the most out of studying abroad

Thinking of going abroad as part of your studies? Whether it’s for studying or working during your placement year, there’s lots of things to consider before going in order to make the most of your experience and have the most fun! I spent my placement year working in Spain for 3 months and studying in… Read more » about How to make the most out of studying abroad

Leaving the world Lusher than it is, a tour of the Lush Factory and Offices.

Current student Doyin, who is studying MA Advertising – recently attended a free industry visit to LUSH – a multi-million pound international cosmetics company – as part of the Graduate Skills Programme run by CareersBU   I visited the LUSH facility and offices with a few other interested BU students to learn everything there is… Read more » about Leaving the world Lusher than it is, a tour of the Lush Factory and Offices.