Keeping active throughout lockdown 2.0

This lockdown feels different to our first one back in March. Not only has the weather taken a colder, wetter and darker turn but for most of us, our motivation to get outside for our daily exercise has dwindled. However, keeping fit doesn’t have to feel like a chore and there are plenty of activities… Read more » about Keeping active throughout lockdown 2.0

How I did my marketing and events placement from home

I never expected I’d be doing my placement from home. Especially, the fact it was mostly focused on events. I was about to set off around the country for two weeks doing UCAS exhibitions when I was told they were no longer going ahead. After putting months of stress and work into organising the events,… Read more » about How I did my marketing and events placement from home

Life in Bournemouth – current update

Over the last few months, the COVID-19 restrictions in the UK are being reduced, with some rules in place involving social distancing and other safety measures. In an attempt to kick-start the economy and ensure that things return to normal, most places are being reopened, with new safety systems put in place. This blog discusses… Read more » about Life in Bournemouth – current update

Preparing for the weather in the UK

When I first moved to the UK, I had packed everything I thought I’d needed to prepare for the weather in Bournemouth. However, after living here for four years now, I have discovered a few more simple tips and tricks to make sure you’re ready for anything! If you’d like to learn more, check out… Read more » about Preparing for the weather in the UK

10 pieces of advice I wish I’d heard before university

I came to Bournemouth four years ago and started my degree in Events Management. The first two years were about learning the ropes and taking on different challenges along the way. Here’s my 10 piece of advice I wish someone had told me before I moved to university, and some that I hope will help… Read more » about 10 pieces of advice I wish I’d heard before university

Food in Bournemouth

Here are some highlights of favourite food spots in Bournemouth, many of which do student discount/ discount days… great food at a great price, what more could you ask for?! Conto Lounge Situated along Winton high street, this dog friendly café has recently undergone refurbishment, and is now looking better than ever. It does all… Read more » about Food in Bournemouth

Your Guide to Simple Cocktail Making at Home and Places to Visit for Cocktails in Bournemouth

Cocktail lover? You’ve come to the right place! University nights out can become expensive especially when you start to drink only when you get to the club, so many students will have a ‘pres’ drink before leaving for the club! Why not spice up your pre-drinks by creating some easy and simple cocktails! If you… Read more » about Your Guide to Simple Cocktail Making at Home and Places to Visit for Cocktails in Bournemouth

What World Population Day means to a BU student 🌍

Today is World Population Day, which is an annual event to raise awareness of global population issues. Bournemouth University has a growing population and is now home to around 18,000 students. Much of this population is split into smaller sub-populations (totally not sure if that’s a word I just invented… but lets go with it… Read more » about What World Population Day means to a BU student 🌍