Retaining money as a student

Being a student inevitably means there’s going to be limitations in terms of your spending. Unless you’re descended from a line of millionaire or billionaire parents that spoil you (or in that case if your parents are pretty strict and want you to experience the struggles of living) then you’re going to have to watch… Read more » about Retaining money as a student

My Unexpected Journey to Bournemouth University

My pathway is a very diverging and complex one. I discovered my talent of drawing at a very young age and I refined it throughout the years as I got older. However most of the time growing up I really had no idea what I wanted to do. I was letting the school education system push… Read more » about My Unexpected Journey to Bournemouth University

How first term is treating me…

My first term of MA in Directing Film & Television has been a train ride full of anxiousness and excitement. At times it seems as though the rails were a little loose causing a bit of discomfort, other times they seemed secure and ridged and I lived through it with relative ease. Although, that goes… Read more » about How first term is treating me…

A day in the life of an MA Directing Film & TV student

The course I’m doing is MA Directing Film & Television. I’m expected to work with students from other courses that help me to produce films. There’s quite a lot of room and opportunity to meet and work with students from other media courses by organising some meet ups, let alone just being in the classroom…. Read more » about A day in the life of an MA Directing Film & TV student