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Hello, I’m Abigail, and I’m thrilled to share my journey as an apprentice in MSc Advanced Clinical Practice at Bournemouth University. This experience has not only transformed my professional skills but also profoundly impacted my personal growth and my career.

Three people standing up looking to camera. The woman in the middle is recieving an award at the Dorset Apprenticeship Awards

Student apprenticeship Nurse Abigail at the Dorset Apprenticeship Award

Before the Apprenticeship

Before embarking on this apprenticeship in June 2022, I was working as a Band 6 nurse in Dermatology. With previous experience in burns, plastic and laser. Although I loved my job, I often felt limited in my scope of practice. I could perform basic clinical tasks and provide essential care, but I yearned for more autonomy and the ability to make more significant clinical decisions. The drive to enhance my skills and offer more comprehensive care to my patients motivated me to enroll in the MSc Advanced Clinical Practice – apprenticeship course at BU.

Learning and Growing

The apprenticeship has been a rigorous yet incredibly rewarding journey. The course, accredited by Health Education England’s (HEE) Centre for Advancing Practice, combines academic coursework with hands-on clinical experience.

Through this apprenticeship, I have learned to take comprehensive health histories, conduct thorough physical examinations, and prescribe treatments independently. Previously I would not have been able to do those things but now they have become integral to my daily practice. The ability to make informed clinical decisions has been empowering, significantly boosting my confidence.

The apprenticeship has also equipped me with advanced diagnostic skills. I can now examine various body systems, select appropriate clinical tests, and initiate and evaluate interventions such as prescribing medications and therapies. By expanding my skills it has allowed me to deliver higher-quality patient care and ultimately enhancing the overall patient experience I can give. Which is such an important thing to me.

Career Advancement

One of the most notable impacts of this apprenticeship has been on my career progression. Since starting the course, I have been promoted from a Band 6 nurse to a Band 7 Advanced Clinical Practitioner. This promotion reflects not only my enhanced clinical skills but also my development in leadership and assertiveness.

Handling difficult conversations with colleagues and patients, a skill I’ve honed through the course, has been particularly beneficial. Additionally, my academic writing and critical thinking abilities have improved, enabling me to apply evidence-based practice more effectively in my work.

Future Aspirations

Looking ahead, I am excited about the endless possibilities that this apprenticeship has opened up for me. Being nominated for the Dorset Apprenticeship Awards 2024 was a delightful surprise and a testament to the hard work and dedication I’ve put into this journey.

I aspire to take on more leadership roles within healthcare and contribute to shaping the future of clinical practice. The skills and confidence I’ve gained through this apprenticeship have laid a solid foundation for continuous professional development in Nursing.

Final Thoughts

To anyone considering an apprenticeship, my advice is simple: go fo

r it. The opportunities for growth, both personal and professional, are immense. This apprenticeship has not only opened numerous doors for me but also given me the motivation to pursue further studies and career advancements.

I am deeply grateful for the support from my tutors at Bournemouth University and my colleagues at University Hospital Dorset. This journey has been a collaborative effort, and I look forward to continuing to make meaningful contributions to the field of advanced clinical practice.

Thank you for reading about my apprenticeship journey. I hope my story inspires others to pursue their passions and take the next steps towards achieving their professional goals.


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