Kehinde Jola Produced by
from Nigeria


LL.M International commercial Law

Taken for Granted

The world’s natural resources are fast depleting; globally, human beings are using them faster than they can naturally replenish themselves and we are not also replacing or replanting as much as we take or at the pace we explore where possible. For instance, reports have emerged that the fashion industry is not only depleting the water across the globe but causing chemical pollution to it. Humans are looking beautiful at the expense of nature. There are many non-governmental organisations telling us to apply caution when exploring the common heritage of mankind, however, the industries are particular with profits, and taxes are paid to governments. News of oil spillage, air pollution, ozone depletion, and climate change are all stale. Are we not taking the earth for granted?


Generational Equity

The main goal of the Conference of Parties (COP) 26 is to achieve a global net zero by the middle of the century and to attain a 1.5C degree of global warming. This is attainable if everyone made his or her goal for the conservation of the environment. This goal is not just for this generation alone, because the current people on the planet earth owe the coming generations the sacred duty not to consume the earth. As a point of utmost duty, the earthly environment must be preserved by all now for the benefit of those yet to be born, that is the crux of the concept of the equitable use of the earth. It is a duty for all who are living. The following are ways to use nature in a conservative manner as 22 April beckons:

  1. Check water leaks in your home, do not keep the tap running while not in use, install water saving-toilets, harvest rainwater for future use, and recycle water for washing clothes for gardening.
  2. Turn off electric appliances when not in use, save energy by minimizing the use of lifts, and air conditioners, and use solar energy.
  3. Use organic manure for soil fertility such as vegetable waste in kitchen gardens.
  4. Turn off car engines when not in use and promote sustainable living.


Sustainable Environment

We can all become agents of environmental sustainability. We are meant to support BU’s vision for a sustainable and green-compliant campus. We can reduce the emission of carbon on the BU campus by making more use of electric bicycles on campus, reducing the pressure of power or energy-consuming facilities on campus, and educating others within and outside the campus on the need to conserve energy and reduce carbon footprint to save the earth. As a member of the BU Vision 2025, I have recommended to the forum that there is a need to incorporate sustainability education into the general curriculum of study at BU for all to be involved in the same use of the library is taught to all.

As we celebrate earth day come 22 April 2022, I plead that we all identify sustainable measures in our daily endeavours and apply them to help save this earth of ours.

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