During the current cost of living crisis, it can be difficult to manage your finances. It can seem like a struggle however there are lots of ways that you can get help with money.
When it comes to my student loan, I always save it for necessities, and I have a separate bank account which deals with my loan so I don’t spend it. It is vital to create a budget to stick to each week to help you plan what you need to spend money on and what you have left to see friends or any activities.
Having a part-time job outside your studies helps to give you more financial support, even if it is a small amount that you can use to help you. Working in the summer helped me as I was able to save money to put away to help with the costs of rent and bills. Saving as much as you can and putting away extra cash is a good habit to get into.
The BU Financial Support Fund is a support scheme to help if you are struggling with the costs of university. This ranges from childcare, travel, accommodation, books and equipment. If you are eligible you don’t have to repay it.
At Bournemouth University, there are several places you can access help to your finances. One really helpful scheme is the small emergency grant. This is a short-term financial help for students with little or no funding. The Student Union often uses £20 supermarket vouchers to help supply students with cost-of-living costs.
On top of this SUBU also runs a community kitchen which is open to all staff and students. The fridge and shelves are often stocked for people to use and heat up food. They also run a free breakfast club on Talbot Campus which students help themselves to.
Inside the toilets on the first floor at Bournemouth University, there are a variety of free sanitary products to use to help with period poverty. These are available across the campuses which have been provided by the student’s union here at BU.
Alongside this, cost of living support can be found here. You can book free confidential advice through SUBU’s website.